Python Install Note
Instructions for setting up Python 3.8 varies by environment and OS. For Windows, I recommend using the installers from For Mac or Linux, you can use the installers as well, or pyenv (recommended).
Note: access to
which holds env secrets must be granted first
$ make setup
This command will handle the following for you:
)See scripts/
for more details.
Now let's spin up our docker resources and test that everything works:
$ make start
$ make test
This will spin up a Postgres database and Redis instance as defined in
our docker-compose.yml
You can check the status of these containers with docker ps
# first seed database with fixtures
$ make seed
# start our dev server
$ make serve
You can inspect the models and seed data through the builtin admin panel at localhost:8000
For convenience a superuser is provisioned in the dev environment
password 1
If you need to run commands using the interpreter created in the .venv
virtual environment, just activate the virtual environment first.
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ (.venv) python migrate
Note: this command my vary based on the Operating System your are using.
If you are not familiar with Python's venv module you can checkout the docs.
VS Code is not required but highly recommended - if using a different editor make sure the settings in .vscode/settings.json
and .editorconfig
are respected.
With correct editor setup, files should be automatically linted (flake8 + mypy) and formatted (black).
VS Code should automatically format your code, sort imports, and lint errors. If for some reason that's not working, try to get it fixed before pushing a PR.
├── api
│ ├── aecworks -> django project config (urls, settings, etc)
│ ├── common -> shared resources (utils, exceptions, mixins, etc)
│ ├── community -> Django App: Community Domain (Posts, Companies, Articles, Etc)
│ ├── images -> Django App: Images
│ ├── users -> Django App: Users, Profiles
│ └── webhooks -> Django App: Wehooks (Twitter Zapier Integration)
├── ...
While each app is unique, they will often have contain these:
├── views -> DRF Views
├── selectors -> queryset builders
├── services -> model operations, Business Logic, etc
├── models -> orm model definitions
├── factories -> model factories for seeding + testing
└── admin -> admin models
PS: Django apps are intended to be self contained and portable. While that's not always the case, separating models by domain is still helps to make projects easier to understand and maintain.
For latest API docs, see the postman collections docs.
The Django admin panel is available at/admin/
. The local development server automatically seeds a dev user you can use to explore the data right away.
PS: these same credentials can be use to authenticate your postman
The API relies heavily on Django Rest Framework (DRF) so developing some familiarity with its patterns and constructs is helpful.
It also loosely follows patterns established by Django-Styleguide and Django Api Domain.
The key concepts are:
functionality as that coupling between view serializing and object creation is problematic.$ heroku pg:backups:capture -r prod
$ heroku pg:backups:download -r prod -o dumps/prod.dump
$ heroku pg:credentials:url -r staging
$ pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -d '<STAGING_DB_URL>' dumps/prod.dump
$ pg_restore
To run the frontend locally see aecworks-web.