aedera / m6anormalization

Calculate k-mer constants to normalize m6a levels inferred from DNA Nanopore reads
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This repository provides a package for calculating k-mer normalization constants for m6a levels inferred from DNA Nanopore reads. For more detailed information, refer to the pulication:

Simultaneous Profiling of Chromatin Accessibility and DNA Methylation in Complete Plant Genomes Using Long-Read Sequencing.

m6a normalization constants


Before installation, ensure you have Python 3.x and Conda installed on your system. The package installation will automatically manage Pip and Numpy dependencies.


Create conda environment

It is highly recommendable to create a dedicated Conda environment.

conda create -n m6a python=3.6
conda activate m6a

Install pip

If pip is not already installed, use the following command

conda install pip

Clone the repository and install the package

git clone
cd m6anormalization
pip install .


Process m6a calls

To process m6A calls from Nanopore reads, use the megalodon tool. The output file per_read_modified_base_calls.txt is required for generating k-mer normalization constants. Execute the following commands to process it before constant calculation:

awk '$7=="Y" {if(exp($5)>=0.75) { print $2"\t"$4"\t"$4"\t"1"\t"$3} else if(exp($5)<0.75) print $2"\t"$4"\t"$4"\t"0"\t"$3}' per_read_modified_base_calls.txt >  bper_read.tmp
sort -k 1,1 -k2,2n -T bper_read.tmp > bper_read.sorted.tmp
bedtools merge -i bper_read.sorted.tmp -c 4,4,5 -o count,mean,distinct -d -2 | \
awk '{if($3==$2) { print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3+1"\t"$5"\t"$6} else print  $1"\t"$2+1"\t"$2+2"\t"$5"\t"$6}' > m6a.bed

These commands discretize per-read m6A calls and aggregates them to derive methylation levels per genomic adenine. These methylation levels are stored in the m6a.bed file. Per-read m6a calls are discretized using 0.75 as a threshold.

The m6a.bed file should look like this

Chr1    32      33      0.100   -       20
Chr1    34      35      0.071   +       14
Chr1    35      36      0.067   +       15
Chr1    36      37      0.174   -       23
Chr1    39      40      0.125   -       24
Chr1    40      41      0.083   -       24
Chr1    41      42      0.000   +       16
Chr1    42      43      0.000   +       17
Chr1    43      44      0.125   -       24
Chr1    47      48      0.083   -       24
Chr1    48      49      0.000   +       18
Chr1    49      50      0.000   +       18
Chr1    50      51      0.000   +       18

where the columns indicate

chromosome start end m6a level strand coverage

Generate k-mer normalization constants

Use the m6a.bed file to generate k-mer normalization constants:

m6anormalization generate --bed m6a.bed \
                          --fas fas_file \
              --chrs Chr1,Chr2,Chr3,Chr4,Chr5 \
              --out kconstants.tsv

fas_file refers to the fasta file used as input for megalodon. The k-mers are extracted from the chromosomes indicated in --chrs.

Apply normalization constants to genome

Apply the generated normalization constants (kconstants.tsv) to normalize the m6a levels:

m6anormalization apply --norm kconstants.tsv \
                       --fas fas_file \
                       --bed m6a.bed
               --chrs Chr1,Chr2,Chr3,Chr4,Chr5

This step produces a bed file per chromosome with normalized m6a levels with the following format:

chromosome start end m6a level strand coverage k-mer normalized m6a level


Contributions from anyone are welcome. You can start by adding a new entry here.


This package is released under the MIT License.