aegis41 / carrots-or-garbage

A game about carrots and garbage
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Carrots or Garbage

Carrots of Garbage is a game of chance and risk where the player bets on an outcome and accumulates wealth or debt as a result.

Game 1: Carrots or Garbage

Player chooses 1, 5, 10, 50, or 100 as a wager and then chooses a button for Carrots or Garbage, then the image is revealed. If it’s what the player predicted, they win as much as they wagered. If it’s not, they lose.

Game 2: Monty Haul

Player chooses 100, 500, 1,000, or 5,000 as a wager then chooses a door. Another door with Carrots is revealed. Player then chooses to keep their door or select another door. Once a selection is made, the door the player selected is revealed. If it’s carrots, the player wins. If it’s garbage, they lose

Game 3: Lucky Grid

Player pays 5,000 coins to play. Cards are placed in a 3 x 3 grid face up for 1 second then are flipped face down and are shuffled. Player then selects a card. If it is a carrot, they win 2,500 coins and may choose to stop or continue selecting cards. 5 of the 9 cards will be carrots and 4 will be garbage.

Number of Carrots Odds Reward Cumulative
1 5:9 4,000 4,000
2 4:8 5,000 9,000
3 3:7 6,650 15,650
4 2:6 10,000 25,650
5 1:5 20,000 45,650