aekiss / ensemble

Generate ensemble of ACCESS-OM2 experiments
Apache License 2.0
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Generate and run an ensemble of ACCESS-OM2 experiments by varying namelist parameters.


This repo uses submodules, so should be downloaded with

git clone --recursive

It also requires payu unless the --test option is used.


  1. Edit ensemble.yaml to set:
    • template: relative path to control experiment configuration directory.
    • startfrom: restart number in template/archive to use as initial condition for perturbations (or rest to start from rest).
    • nruns: total number of output directories to generate for each ensemble member.
    • namelists: specify lists of perturbation values to use.
      • These are specified by namelist file path, group, variable name and an array of values. If scientific notation is used, the mantissa must include a decimal point and the exponent must include a sign (otherwise it will be read as a string - see this issue).
      • Any variable name in any namelist in template may be used.
      • Ice turning angle should be specified by the special name turning_angle (with values in degrees), not cosw and sinw; this ensures that consistent cosw and sinw values will be used.
  2. Run ./
    • This will first set up a configuration directory for each perturbation that doesn't already have one.
      • Perturbation directories are based on the latest commit in the current git branch of template (NB: you must commit any changes in template that you want to use for the perturbation runs).
      • Each perturbation has a single namelist variable altered (or cosw and sinw if turning_angle is used).
      • The perturbation directory name includes the perturbed variable and its value, and is also used for the git branch, sync directory, and job name. metadata.yaml is updated to include information on the perturbation used.
      • Existing perturbation directories are not altered, so can be re-run with additional perturbations.
      • Perturbations that are identical to template are ignored.
    • It will then do payu sweep; payu run -n X for each existing and new perturbation directory, where X is the number of additional runs required to produce nruns output directories in total for each perturbation. Thus additional runs of an existing ensemble can be achieved simply by increasing nruns and running ./ again. Any newly-added perturbations (or crashed runs) will be run as many times as needed to match the number of outputs from the others. has some command-line options:

% ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--test] [yamlfile]

Generate ensemble of ACCESS-OM2 experiments. Latest version and help:

positional arguments:
  yamlfile    YAML file specifying parameter values to use for ensemble;
              default is ensemble.yaml

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --test      for testing a fresh clone, with no payu dependency