aemadrid / orientdb-jruby

JRuby wrapper for OrientDB
MIT License
48 stars 21 forks source link

= orientdb

orientdb is a little gem that wraps the Java OrientDB library into a more comfortable Ruby package (in JRuby, of course).

== What is OrientDB?

According to the website:

OrientDB is a new Open Source NoSQL DBMS born with the best features of all the others. It's written in Java and it's amazing fast: can store up to 150,000 records per second on common hardware. Even if it's Document based database the relationships are managed as in Graph Databases with direct connections among records. You can travere entire or part of trees and graphs of records in few milliseconds. Supports schema-less, schema-full and schema-mixed modes. Has a strong security profiling system based on user and roles and support the SQL between the query languages. Thank to the SQL layer it's straightforward to use it for people skilled in Relational world.

== Getting started

Let's get the gem installed and test out the interactive console.

shell> rvm jruby shell> gem install orientdb shell> orientdb_console

db = OrientDB::DocumentDatabase.connect "remote:localhost/demo", 'admin', 'admin' => #<OrientDB::Database:0x6a346239 @proxy_object=# customer = db.get_class "Customer" => # customer.add :name, :string => true => # invoice = db.get_or_create_class "Invoice" => # invoice.add :id, :int => true invoice.add :date, :date => true invoice.add :total, :float => true invoice.add :customer, customer => true => # c1 = OrientDB::Document.create db, "Customer", :name => "Leonardo" => # i1 = OrientDB::Document.create db, "Invoice", :id => 1, :data =>, :total => 350.75, :customer => c1 => #<OrientDB::Document:Invoice total:350.75 id:1 data:Wed Nov 02 18:21:13 MDT 3910 customer:#> i2 = db, "Invoice", :id => 12 => # = => #<DateTime: 5893210835369/2400000,-1/4,2299161> = 275.25 => 275.25 i2.customer = c1 => # i2.extra = [3.50, 0.75] => [3.5, 0.75] => # i2 => #<OrientDB::Document:Invoice total:275.25 id:12 extra:3.50.75 customer:# date:Wed Nov 02 18:21:13 MDT 3910> db.count_class "Customer" => 1 db.count_class "Invoice" => 2 cs = db.all_in_class "Customer" => [#] c1 = cs.first => # is = db.all_in_class "Invoice" => [#<OrientDB::Document:Invoice total:275.25 id:12 extra:[3.5, 0.75] customer:# date:Wed Nov 02 18:21:13 MDT 3910>, #<OrientDB::Document:Invoice total:350.75 id:1 data:61246887673000 customer:#>] i1 = is.first => #<OrientDB::Document:Invoice total:275.25 id:12 extra:[3.5, 0.75] customer:# date:Wed Nov 02 18:21:13 MDT 3910> i2 = is.last => #<OrientDB::Document:Invoice total:350.75 id:1 data:61246887673000 customer:#>

== Contributors

== Note on Patches/Pull Requests

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010 Adrian Madrid. See LICENSE for details.