aerogear / datasync-starter

GraphQL Low Code React and Node.js DataSync Application template
MIT License
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= AeroGear DataSync Starter

AeroGear DataSync GraphQL based server and React Client

== DataSync Starter

Starter includes:

=== GraphQL Client

The mobile application uses[Offix Client] to provide additional offline capabilities on top of Apollo GraphQL.

=== GraphQL Server

The GraphQL server uses[Graphback] to provide GraphQL capabilities.

== Getting Started


=== Running app and server

Install dependencies

. Build client




. Build client +

yarn prepare:client


. Start the server +

cd ./server
docker-compose up -d
yarn start

=== Running the Server with the Keycloak integration

Follow these instructions to set up Keycloak for Authentication/Authorization.

. Start Keycloak Server +

cd server
npm run keycloak

. Configure the Keycloak Server +

cd server
npm run keycloak:init

This command creates the necessary resources in Keycloak and prints instructions you must follow to enable the integration.

Follow the instructions and copy the JSON configurations to the appropriate locations. The DataSync Starter app and server will read these configurations and the integration will be enabled when they are started.

By default, two users that can log into the application are created.

==== Using the GraphQL playground with Keycloak

The GraphQL playground is available after a Keycloak login screen. Initially the following error will be displayed.

  "error": "Failed to fetch schema. Please check your connection"

The playground must be configured to send the Keycloak Authorization header with requests to the GraphQL server.

In the bottom left corner of the playground there is a field called HTTP Headers which will be added to requests sent by the playground.

Use scripts/getToken.js to get a valid header for the developer user.

The following script can be used to get a token for the default Keycloak credentials

cd server/scripts/keycloak
node getToken.js

Alternatively, the user-defined username and password can be passed into the script as arguments, as below

node getToken.js <username> <password>

The output will be in the form of a JSON object

{"Authorization":"Bearer <token string>"}

Copy the entire JSON object, then paste it into the HTTP Headers field in the playground. The error message should disappear and it is now possible to use the playground.

NOTE: The GraphQL server is using a public Keycloak client to redirect browsers to the login page. This is useful for testing the server locally but it is not recommended for production. For production GraphQL server applications you should use a bearer client.


If Keycloak integration is enabled on the server, and the Keycloak server is running using a self-signed certificate, please make sure set this environment variable before running the server:



=== Running the Client

. Install Ionic +

npm install -g @ionic/cli

. Change directory


cd client


. Install dependencies +

npm install

+ . Start the app +

npm run start


=== Adding keycloak integration to the client

Rename keycloak.example.json file in the public directory to keycloak.json. Replace the contents of the file with the keycloak json object generated during the keycloak integration init script.


{ "realm": "", "auth-server-url": "https://your-server/auth", "ssl-required": "none", "resource": "", "public-client": true, "use-resource-role-mappings": true, "confidential-port": 0 }

NOTE: When running in cloud, developers can swap this file dynamically using config-map or openshift secret

=== Running Native projects

==== IOS

cd client yarn cap add ios yarn run:ios

==== Android:

cd client yarn cap add android yarn run:android

When running locally you will need to also enable http traffic. For example for android add android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" to AndroidManifest.xml

Project should stard in IDE and can be launched as any other native application

== Using MQTT for GraphQL subscriptions

  1. Go to scripts ./mqtt
  2. Execute docker-compose up
  3. Set MQTT_HOST environment variable in .env file


=== Running On OpenShift

Please check link:./openshift[.openshift] folder for more information.