aerorobotics / caltech-aerial-rgbt-dataset

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CART: Caltech Aerial RGB-Thermal Dataset in the Wild



Welcome to the Caltech Aerial RGB-Thermal dataset repository! This repository hosts the first publicly available dataset tailored for aerial robotics operating in diverse natural landscapes across the continental United States. Our dataset comprises synchronized RGB, thermal, GPS, and IMU data, providing a comprehensive resource for researchers and practitioners in the field. For further details, please see our paper.

Key Features:

Dataset Capture Locations

Thermal Inversion Example

Dataset Download

Dataset Organization

Semantic Segmentation & Image Translation

Semantic Segmentation Classes

Index Class Hex Code Color
0 unknown #FF2400
1 background #000000
2 bare ground #F2D8C4
3 boulders / rocky terrain #594636
4 human-made structures #A6A6A6
5 road #52595A
6 shrubs #9BE600
7 trees #008A35
8 sky #00D8F5
9 water #0D7FFC
10 vehicles #FFF900
11 person #FE00AA

We typically ignore unknown and background classes.

Dataset Splits

Thermal data splits are located under caltech_aerial_thermal_dataset/splits/thermal_splits and are subdivided into general (random), geographic (state-based and terrain-based), and temporal (sunrise vs. day vs. night) splits.

The split for RGB-T paired imagery is created from the general (random) split and is available under caltech_aerial_thermal_dataset/splits/rgbt_splits. There are less samples in this split due to sensor failures during some flights.

Data Processing

Dataset Summary


Data Extraction

ROS Bagfile

The dataset is provided primarily as ROS1 rosbags. As rosbags may not be a convenient filetype for all users, extraction scripts have been provided to extract csv and jpg/png files. Please see the readme at /extract_data/rosbag/ for more information.


Where available, the raw onboard logs from Ardupilot have been included in the dataset. As not all users will be able to read these directly, extraction scripts have been included as part of this repository. Please see the readme at /extract_data/ardupilot/ for more information.

Data Streams

Preferred Position Data


Synchronization Data



All images with semantic segmentation annotations are already rectified. If you want to rectify all images, some code is provided to assist you in this:

To rectify raw imagery, use the MonoRectifier class provided in caltech_aerial_thermal_dataset/utils/ Use the appropriate calibration files provided under calibrations/*.yaml.

To stereo rectify a trajectory, follow the example bash scripts here:


and check out the command-line arguments listed in

Issues and Contributing

If you find issues with this repo, or have code to contribute, please submit and issue and/or a PR above.


The dataset is for non-commercial use only and is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 license.