aerospike / spring-data-aerospike

Spring Data Aerospike
Apache License 2.0
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Fixed issue "Id has not been provided" is not available in maven repository #765

Open pauls-baby opened 4 months ago

pauls-baby commented 4 months ago

I could find that an issue

Error 26: Id has not been provided

appears to be fixed in the PR

I am already passing "#p0" for key in @Cacheable annotation like:

@Cacheable(value = "test", key = "#p0")
Optional<MerchantsEntity> findByMercId(String mercId);

I have also set the @Id annotation on my entity class MerchantsEntity.

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

However, I am still getting an exception when trying to integrate it with my spring boot application and running a test method which calls the repository method.

The exception is:

com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException: Error 26: Id has not been provided

Furthermore, when I checked the maven repository for latest version(4.8.0) of spring-data-aerospike at

does not appear to have the jar files updated since May 29, 2024. When will be the release with this change happening? Or did I go wrong somewhere?


agrgr commented 6 days ago

Hello @pauls-baby,

Apologies for the delayed reply. As you correctly noticed, the changes from the mentioned PR have not been released yet. The current plan is to release new version 5.0.0 of Spring Data Aerospike (with quite a few changes) within 1-3 months.