aerospike / spring-data-aerospike

Spring Data Aerospike
Apache License 2.0
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aerospike framework java spring spring-boot spring-data spring-data-aerospike

= Spring Data Aerospike

:maven-image: :maven-url: :ci-image: :ci-url: :javadoc-image: :javadoc-url:

{maven-url}[image:{maven-image}[maven]] {ci-url}[image:{ci-image}[ci]] {javadoc-url}[image:{javadoc-image}[javadoc]]

The Spring Data Aerospike project aims to provide a familiar and consistent Spring-based programming model for new data stores while retaining store-specific features and capabilities. It provides integration with the Aerospike database. Key functional areas of Spring Data Aerospike are a POJO centric model for interacting with Aerospike DB and easily writing a repository style data access layer.

== Documentation

== Examples

. Demo project example with a step-by-step tutorial can be found[here] . Demo project with detailed guides is located[here]

== Getting Started Blog Posts

.[Simple Web Application Using Java, Spring Boot, Aerospike and Docker] .[How to set up spring-data-aerospike in Spring Boot application] .[Basic error handling in spring-data-aerospike] .[How to create secondary index in Spring Data Aerospike] .[Caching with Spring Boot and Aerospike] .[Spring Data Aerospike: Reactive Repositories] .[Spring Data Aerospike - Projections]

== Spring Data Aerospike Compatibility

.Compatibility Table [%collapsible]

[width="100%",cols="<24%,<14%,<18%,<26%,<18%",options="header",] |=== |Spring Data Aerospike |Spring Boot |Aerospike Client |Aerospike Reactor Client |Aerospike Server |4.8.x |3.3.x |7.2.x |7.1.x |5.2.x.x +

|4.7.x |3.2.x |7.2.x |7.1.x |5.2.x.x +

|4.6.x |3.2.x |7.2.x |7.1.x |5.2.x.x +

|4.5.x |3.1.x |7.1.x |7.0.x |5.2.x.x +

|4.4.x |3.1.x |7.0.x |7.0.x |5.2.x.x +

|4.3.x |3.1.x |6.1.x |6.1.x |5.2.x.x +

|4.2.x |3.0.x |6.1.x |6.1.x |5.2.x.x +

|4.1.x |3.0.x |6.1.x |6.1.x |5.2.x.x +

|3.5.x |2.7.x |6.1.x |6.1.x |5.2.x.x +

|3.4.x |2.6.x |5.1.x |5.1.x |5.2.x.x +

|3.3.x |2.5.x |5.1.x |5.1.x |5.2.x.x +

|3.2.x |2.5.x |5.1.x |5.0.x |5.2.x.x +

|3.0.x, 3.1.x |2.5.x |5.1.x |5.0.x |

|2.5.x |2.5.x |4.4.x |4.4.x |

|2.4.2.RELEASE |2.3.x |4.4.x |4.4.x |

|2.3.5.RELEASE |2.2.x |4.4.x |4.4.x |

|2.1.1.RELEASE |2.1.x, 2.0.x |4.4.x |3.2.x |

|1.2.1.RELEASE |1.5.x |4.1.x | | |===

== Quick Start

=== 1. Maven configuration

Add the spring-data-aerospike Maven dependency:


com.aerospike spring-data-aerospike ${spring-data-aerospike.version}


=== 2. AerospikeRepository

AerospikeRepository is the simplest way to interact with Aerospike using Spring Data Aerospike.

Create your own custom repository that extends AerospikeRepository which will provide out-of-the-box CRUD operations and query implementations, so you can easily save, find, delete and query single entities and collections of them.

Implementation will be determined by the method names automatically, no need to write any implementation.

For example, given a Person class with first and last name properties, a PersonRepository interface that can query for Person by last name and when the first name matches a like expression is shown below:


public interface PersonRepository extends AerospikeRepository<Person, Long> {

List<Person> findByLastname(String lastname);

List<Person> findByFirstnameLike(String firstname);


For non-blocking reactive API use ReactiveAerospikeRepository.

=== 3. Configuration

In order to configure Spring Data Aerospike you will need to create a configuration class that extends AbstractAerospikeDataConfiguration and defines the relevant Spring Data Repositories via @EnableAerospikeRepositories annotation.

To set the connection details you can either override getHosts() and nameSpace() methods of the AbstractAerospikeDataConfiguration class or define spring-data-aerospike.connection.hosts and spring-data-aerospike.connection.namespace in file.

NOTE: You can further customize your configuration by changing other xref:#configuration[settings].

Here is a simple example of a configuration class that sets up a connection to a local Aerospike DB instance:


@Configuration @EnableAerospikeRepositories(basePackageClasses = PersonRepository.class) class ApplicationConfig extends AbstractAerospikeDataConfiguration {

protected Collection<Host> getHosts() {
    return Collections.singleton(new Host("localhost", 3000));

protected String nameSpace() {
    return "test";


=== Usage

Below is an example of a service that uses PersonRepository operations.


@Service public class PersonService {

private final PersonRepository personRepository;

public PersonService(PersonRepository personRepository) {
    this.personRepository = personRepository;

public void example() {
    // Delete all existing persons

    Person person = new Person();
    // Save the new created person;

    // Get all persons whose first name starts with "Jo"
    List<Person> firstNameResults = personRepository.findByFirstnameLike("Jo*");
    // Get all persons whose last name is equal to "Smith"
    List<Person> lastNameResults = personRepository.findByLastname("Smith");


=== AerospikeOperations

AerospikeOperations is the base interface for Aerospike database operations. It is implemented by AerospikeTemplate class.

As a lower-level alternative to AerospikeRepository, AerospikeOperations supports wider variety of operations and greater flexibility, but requires a bit more code writing and less out-of-the-box functionality.

Features supported by AerospikeOperations:

For non-blocking reactive API use ReactiveAerospikeOperations.

== Getting Help

== Contributing to Spring Data Aerospike

Here are some ways you can get involved: