This repository is not longer being actively maintained. For an updated Nextflow implementation of the SCENIC pipeline, see the SCENIC Protocol.
A basic pipeline for running (py)SCENIC implemented in Nextflow.
The following container images will be pulled by nextflow as needed:
Requires the same support files as pySCENIC. These can be passed as command line parameters to nextflow.
--expr = expression matrix, (either in tsv format (must end in .tsv), or loom format (.loom))
--TFs = file containing transcription factors, one per line
--motifs = Motif annotation database, tbl format.
--db = Ranking databases, feather format. If using a glob pattern to select multiple database files, this parameter must be enclosed in quotes (i.e. --db "/path/to/dbs/hg19*feather").
--threads = Number of threads to use.
--output = Name of the output file, (either in tsv format (must end in .tsv), or loom format (.loom)).
--grn = GRN inference method, either "grnboost2" or "genie3" (optional, default: grnboost2)
Optional parameters for reading from loom files:
--cell_id_attribute = which column attributes to use for the cell id (default: "CellID").
--gene_attribute = which row attributes for use for the gene names (default: "Gene").
Download a minimum set of SCENIC database files for a human dataset (approximately 75 MB). This small test dataset takes approiximately 30s to run using 6 threads on a standard desktop computer.
mkdir example && cd example/
# Transcription factors:
# Motif to TF annotation database:
# Ranking databases:
# Finally, get a small sample expression matrix (loom format):
# Alternatively, in tsv format:
Either Docker or Singularity images can be used by specifying the appropriate profile (-profile docker
or -profile singularity
nextflow run aertslab/scenic-nf \
-profile singularity \
--expr expr_mat.loom \
--output pyscenic_output.loom \
--TFs allTFs_hg38.txt \
--motifs motifs.tbl \
--db *feather
Note that if a loom file is given as an input, the output file will be in loom format (and the --output
file name must have a loom extension).
nextflow run aertslab/scenic-nf \
-profile singularity \
--expr expr_mat.tsv \
--output pyscenic_output.csv \
--TFs allTFs_hg38.txt \
--motifs motifs.tbl \
--db *feather
Note that if a tsv file is given as an input, the output file will be in csv format (and the --output
file name must have a csv extension).
If a loom was provided as input, a new loom file will be created as output containing:
If a tsv expression matrix was provided as input, the AUC matrix will be written out (csv format). An example of the AUC matrix showing the regulon enrichment values in each cell (actual numerical values may differ due to the stochastic nature of the pySCENIC algorithms):
The qsub
profile enables each process to be submitted as a cluster job instead of being run locally.
Along with this, the qsubaccount
parameter has been added to specify a billing account on the cluster.
As an example:
nextflow run aertslab/scenic-nf \
-profile singularity,qsub \
--expr expr_mat.tsv \
--output pyscenic_output.csv \
--TFs allTFs_hg38.txt \
--motifs motifs.tbl \
--db *feather \
--qsubaccount my_account
nextflow run aertslab/scenic-nf -with-report report.html -with-timeline timeline.html -with-dag dag.png -profile [docker|singularity]