aetherAI / whole-slide-cnn

This repository provides scripts to reproduce the results in the paper "An annotation-free whole-slide training approach to pathological classification of lung cancer types by deep learning".
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Whole-slide CNN Training Pipeline

This repository provides scripts to reproduce the results in the paper "An annotation-free whole-slide training approach to pathological classification of lung cancer types by deep learning", including model training, inference, visualization, and statistics calculation, etc. Also, the pipeline is seamlessly adaptable to other pathological cases by simply creating new configuration files.


Chen, CL., Chen, CC., Yu, WH. et al. An annotation-free whole-slide training approach to pathological classification of lung cancer types using deep learning. Nat Commun 12, 1193 (2021).

Chuang, WY., Chen, CC., Yu, WH. et al. Identification of nodal micrometastasis in colorectal cancer using deep learning on annotation-free whole-slide images. Mod Pathol (2021).


Copyright (C) 2021 aetherAI Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license (

TCGA Pre-trained Model

A referenced pre-trained weight for lung cancer type classification is now available at

The model was trained by TCGA-LUAD and TCGA-LUSC diagnostic slides specified in data_configs/pure_tcga/train_pure_tcga.csv using the config train_configs/pure_tcga/config_pure_tcga_wholeslide_4x.yaml. Since no normal lung slides were provided in these data sets, the model predicts a slide as either adenocarcinoma (class_id=1) or squamous cell carcinoma (class_id=2). The prediction scores for normal (class_id=0) should be ignored.

Validation results (n = 192) on data_configs/pure_tcga/val_pure_tcga.csv are listed as follow.


Hardware Requirements

Make sure the system contains adequate amount of main memory space (minimal: 256 GB, recommended: 512 GB) to prevent out-of-memory error. For ones who would like to have a try with less concern about model accuracy, setting a lower resizing ratio and image size in configuration can drastically reduce memory consumption, friendly for limited computing resources.


The codes are tested on the environment with Ubuntu 18.04 / CentOS 7.5, Python 3.7.3, cuda 10.0, cudnn 7.6 and Open MPI 4.0.1. Some Python packages should be installed before running the scripts, including

Refer to requirements.txt for the full list. The installation of these packages should take few minutes.


1. Define Datasets

To initiate a training task, several CSV files, e.g. train.csv, val.csv and test.csv, should be prepared to define training, validation and testing datasets.

These CSV files should follow the format:


, where [slidename*] specify the filename without extension of a slide image and [classid*] is an integer indicating a slide-level label (e.g. 0 for normal, 1 for cancerous).

The configuration files for our experiments are placed at data_configs/.

2. Set Up Training Configurations

Model hyper-parameters are set up in a YAML file.

For convenience, you can copy one from train_configs/ (e.g. train_configs/config_wholeslide_2x.yaml) and make modifications for your own recipe.

The following table describes each field in a train_config. Field Description
RESULT_DIR Directory to store output stuffs, including model weights, testing results, etc.
MODEL_PATH Path to store the model weight. (default: ${RESULT_DIR}/model.h5)
LOAD_MODEL_BEFORE_TRAIN Whether to load the model weight before training. (default: False)
CONFIG_RECORD_PATH Path to back up this config file. (default: ${RESULT_DIR}/config.yaml)
USE_MIXED_PRECISION Whether to enable mixed precision training.
USE_HMS Whether to enable whole-slide training by optimized unified memory.
USE_MIL Whether to use MIL for training.
TRAIN_CSV_PATH CSV file defining the training dataset.
VAL_CSV_PATH CSV file defining the validation dataset.
TEST_CSV_PATH CSV file defining the testing dataset.
SLIDE_DIR Directory containing all the slide image files (can be soft links).
SLIDE_FILE_EXTENSION File extension. (e.g. ".ndpi", ".svs")
SLIDE_READER Library to read slides. (default: openslide)
RESIZE_RATIO Resize ratio for downsampling slide images.
INPUT_SIZE Size of model inputs in [height, width, channels]. Resized images are padded or cropped to the size. Try decreasing this field when main memory are limited.
MODEL Model architecture to use. One of fixup_resnet50, fixup_resnet34 and resnet34.
NUM_CLASSES Number of classes.
BATCH_SIZE Number of slides processed in each training iteration for each MPI worker. (default: 1)
EPOCHS Maximal number of training epochs.
NUM_UPDATES_PER_EPOCH Number of interations in an epoch.
INIT_LEARNING_RATE Initial learning rate for Adam optimizer.
POOL_USE Global pooling method in ResNet. One of gmp and gap.
REDUCE_LR_FACTOR The learning rate will be decreased by this factor upon no validation loss improvement in consequent epochs.
REDUCE_LR_PATIENCE Number of consequent epochs to reduce learning rate.
TIME_RECORD_PATH Path to store a CSV file recording per-iteration training time.
TEST_TIME_RECORD_PATH Path to store a CSV file recording per-iteration inference time.
TEST_RESULT_PATH Path to store the model predictions after testing in a JSON format. (default: ${RESULT_DIR}/test_result.json)
USE_TCGA_VAHADANE Whether to enable color normalization on TCGA images to TMUH color style. (default: False)
ENABLE_VIZ Whether to draw prediction maps when testing. (default: False)
VIZ_SIZE Size of the output prediction maps in [height, width].
VIZ_FOLDER Folder to store prediction maps. (default: ${RESULT_DIR}/viz)
The following fields are valid only when USE_MIL: True. Field Description
MIL_PATCH_SIZE Patch size of the MIL model in [height, width].
MIL_INFER_BATCH_SIZE Batch size for MIL finding representative patches.
MIL_USE_EM Whether to use EM-MIL.
MIL_K Number of representative patches. (default: 1)
MIL_SKIP_WHITE Whether to skip white patches. (default: True)
POST_TRAIN_METHOD Patch aggregation method to use. One of svm, lr, maxfeat_rf, milrnn and "" (disable).
POST_TRAIN_MIL_PATCH_SIZE (The same as above, for patch aggregation method training process.)
POST_TRAIN_INIT_LEARNING_RATE (The same as above, for patch aggregation method training process.)
POST_TRAIN_REDUCE_LR_FACTOR (The same as above, for patch aggregation method training process.)
POST_TRAIN_REDUCE_LR_PATIENCE (The same as above, for patch aggregation method training process.)
POST_TRAIN_EPOCHS (The same as above, for patch aggregation method training process.)
POST_TRAIN_NUM_UPDATES_PER_EPOCH (The same as above, for patch aggregation method training process.)
POST_TRAIN_MODEL_PATH Path to store patch aggregation model weights.

3. Train a Model

To train a model, simply run

python -m whole_slide_cnn.train --config YOUR_TRAIN_CONFIG.YAML [--continue_mode]

, where --continue_mode is optional that makes the training process begin after loading the model weights.

To enable multi-node, multi-GPU distributed training, simply add mpirun in front of the above command, e.g.

mpirun -np 4 -x CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,2,3" python -m whole_slide_cnn.train --config YOUR_TRAIN_CONFIG.YAML

Note that you should cd to the root folder of this repo before calling the above commands.

Typically, this step takes days to complete, depending on the computing power, while you can trace the progress in real time from program output.

4. (Optional) Post-train Patch Aggregation Model for MIL

EM-MIL-SVM, EM-MIL-LR, MIL-RNN and CNN-MaxFeat-based RF involve training a second patch aggregation model, requiring users to run another script to initiate patch aggregation model training. Just like the command above, simply call

[mpirun ...] python -m whole_slide_cnn.post_train --config YOUR_TRAIN_CONFIG.YAML 

5. Evaluate the Model

To evaluate the model or optionally generate prediction heatmap, call

[mpirun ...] python -m whole_slide_cnn.test --config YOUR_TRAIN_CONFIG.YAML

This command will generate a JSON file in the result directory named test_result.json by default. The file contains the model predictions for each testing slide.

To statistically analyze the results, some scripts are provided in tools/. See the following table for the usage of each tool. Tool Description Example
tools/calc_auc.R Calculate AUC and CI. tools/calc_auc.R RESULT_DIR/test_result.json
tools/compare_auc.R Testing significance of the AUCs of two models. tools/compare_auc.R RESULT_DIR_1/test_result.json RESULT_DIR_2/test_result.json
tools/ Draw the ROC diagram. python tools/ test_result.json:MODEL_NAME:#FF0000
tools/gen_bootstrap_aucs.R Generate 100 AUCs by bootstrapping. tools/gen_bootstrap_aucs.R RESULT_DIR/test_result.json

Note that these tools are currently profiled for lung cancer maintype classification and should be modified when applying to your own tasks.

Data Availability

The slide data from TMUH, WFH and SHH are not publicly available due to patient privacy constraints, but are available uponon reasonable request from the corresponding author Chao-Yuan Yeh or Cheng-Yu Chen. The slide data supporting the cross-site generalization capability in this study are obtained from TCGA via the Genomic Data Commons Data Portal (

A dataset consists of several slides from TCGA-LUAD and TCGA-LUSC is suitable for testing our pipeline in small scale, with some proper modifications of configuration files described above.