aff3ct / my_project_with_aff3ct

Small code examples using AFF3CT as a library.
MIT License
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Using AFF3CT as a library for your codes

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This repository contains some simple code examples. It helps to understand how to use the AFF3CT library in your code. The first step is to compile AFF3CT into a library.

Get the AFF3CT library:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Compile the library on Linux/MacOS/MinGW:

$ cd lib/aff3ct
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make -j4

Compile the library on Windows (Visual Studio project)

$ cd lib/aff3ct
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ devenv /build Release aff3ct.sln

Now the AFF3CT library has been built in the lib/aff3ct/build folder.

The source codes of the examples are in the examples/ folder. You can go in this folder to see the next steps.

Note that those examples are documented here.