afiniel / yiimp_install_script

Install Script for Yiimp on Ubuntu Server 18.04 and 20.04
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Yiimpool Yiimp Installer with DaemonBuilder and Addport Support

Discord GitHub issues GitHub release (latest by date)



Yiimpool Yiimp Installer is an automated script that sets up a fully functional Yiimp mining pool on an Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 VPS. The script includes necessary dependencies, configurations, and security settings to get your pool up and running. Features include:

Designed for both new and experienced users with clear installation instructions and comprehensive documentation.

⚙️ Requirements

ℹ️ DaemonBuilder

A tool that downloads and compiles coins. To use, type daemonbuilder in the terminal. Compile time depends on VPS CPU power.

💾 Installation

Installer will ask:

To install:

curl | bash

Installation will take approximately 15 minutes. The installer will notify you when the installation is complete. If you encounter any issues, open an issue on GitHub.


A server reboot is REQUIRED after the installation is fully completed to finalize the installation process.

After rebooting, log back into your user account. The installation process is complete when you log in again. On first reboot, it may take 1-2 minutes for the cron screens to auto-start. After waiting 1-2 minutes, type:


To enhance security, the install locations and directory structure of YiiMP have been changed as follows:

Directory Files
General install location for YiiMP
Screens and stratum sh files - you do not need to run these
New location for YiiMP web files
Backup location for MySQL DB
New location of your serverconfig.php
New location of the "main:blocks:loop2" sh files
New location for debug.log and your nginx server log
New location for your stratum files

Permissions have been correctly set up, allowing your main user write access to the /home/crypto-data directories. Changing file or directory permissions after installation will cause YiiMP to malfunction. You have been warned!


To view your running screens, run:

screen -list

To view a specific screen, run:

screen -r main|loop2|blocks|debug

To detach from a screen, type:

ctrl+a+d (DO NOT use ctrl+c, it will kill your screen)

To start, stop, or restart a specific screen (main, loop2, blocks, or debug), type:

screens start|stop|restart main|loop2|blocks|debug

We also suggest typing:



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We appreciate your generosity and support. Thank you!