afonasev / flake8-awesome

Flake8 awesome plugins pack
MIT License
20 stars 1 forks source link


pypi Python: 3.6+ Downloads License: MIT

Flake8 awesome plugins pack.


pip install flake8-awesome


pip install flake8 flake8-builtins flake8-comprehensions flake8-eradicate # etc.

Example of Flake8 config

enable-extensions = G
exclude = .git, .venv
ignore =
    A003 ; 'id' is a python builtin, consider renaming the class attribute
    W503 ; line break before binary operator
    S101 ; use of assert detected (useless with pytest)
max-complexity = 8
max-annotations-complexity = 3
max-expression-complexity = 7
max-line-length = 120
show-source = true

List of plugins