afr2903 / FrED-factory

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Multiplatform Python Env Setup #11

Closed afr2903 closed 1 month ago

afr2903 commented 1 month ago

With the purpose of standardizing the Software Development workflow for the classroom, this issue aims to test the repository in different platforms, being the main OS Linux.

afr2903 commented 1 month ago

Windows 11

Using venv is the easier and lighter way of managing environments. For the creation of them, the same command is needed for all platforms:

python -m venv fred-env

For Windows, activating an environment is different for CMD and PowerShell. I personally prefer PowerShell:





xArm SDK submodule

The package for connecting and using the xArm6 has been added as a submodule. It is useful for looking at the examples. To clone the submodule from the root I used:

git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive

There are instructions for installing the package from source which I did, however, the library is also available via pip. As pip install is simpler, all the requirements will be freezed into a requirements.txt file.