afr2903 / FrED-factory

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FrED factory FJ24

Collaborative Robotics Challenge with MIT for the Manufacturing Systems Automation class.


For easier multiplatform environment setup, a python venv will be created. In Windows, Python 11 is being used.

Cloning the repo

Git is required to collaborate and have the latest version of the code, install it from here. When the installer is opened, click Next for the default installation until it is finished.

Then, open CMD, navigate to your preffered location with cd commands, and execute:

git clone
cd FrED-factory

Additionally, to pull the xArm SDK submodule to see the examples

git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive

Virtual environment:

A virtual environment allows to work in an isolated Python environment:

python -m venv fred-env # Create a virtual enviroment called "fred-env"
.\fred-env\Scripts\activate.bat # If in CMD
pip install -r requirements.txt

Teleop test

To test the environment was properly set, you can try the script. Make sure the gripper is connected to the xArm and the router is connected and the WiFi led is on.

Connect to the network RoboMaze with password RoBorregos2024.

And execute the script:
