afrantzis / bless

Bless - Gtk# Hex Editor
GNU General Public License v2.0
210 stars 38 forks source link
bless csharp gtk gtk-sharp hex-editor hex-viewer linux mono

Bless - Gtk# Hex Editor v0.6.3

Copyright (c) 2004-2020, Alexandros Frantzis

Thank you for using ( or at least trying out :) ) Bless!


  1. Description
  2. Project Web Site and contact info
  3. Requirements
  4. Installation
  5. Running
  6. Documentation
  7. Known Issues

  1. Description

Bless is a binary (hex) editor, a program that enables you to edit files as a sequence of bytes. It is written in C# and uses the Gtk# bindings for the GTK+ toolkit.

Bless is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL-2.0-or-later). See the file COPYING for more information.

Main Features

Planned Features

  1. Project Web Site and contact info

More information, bug reports and the latest releases can be found at:

I can be contacted at: alf82 [at] freemail [dot] gr.

  1. Requirements

The main target platform for bless is GNU/Linux. However, all the libraries it uses are cross-platform, so bless should be able to run without problems on all the major platforms (GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Win32).

To build and run the current version of bless you need:

Development is done using the latest stable versions of the above libraries. Although using an older version may be OK, there is no guarantee that there will not be problems.

  1. Installation

    Quick: git clone meson setup build (-Dopt=val --buildtype=type ...) ninja -C build (ninja -C build install)


Step 1: Get the source

To get the latest source: git clone

For a compressed tarball use: tar -xf bless-a.b.c.tar.gz

Step 2: Configure the build

Enter the directory created in the previous step (bless or bless-a.b.c). To configure the build and check that your system has all the required libraries use:

$ meson setup build (-Dopt=val --buildtype=type ...)

Use the "-Dprefix=PREFIX" option to set the installation directory prefix. By default the prefix is '/usr/local'.

You can use the "--buildtype=release" option to build bless in release mode, by default the debug mode is built.

Step 3: Build the program

Type 'ninja -C build'. This will create 'bless.exe' and the necessary library files in the build/src directory. You can also type 'ninja -C build test' to run some tests on various bless components. Note that running the tests requires the 'nunit-console' binary.

Step 4: Install the program (optional)

Become root and type 'ninja -C build install'.

  1. Running

    If you chose to install the program, just type 'bless'. In any case you can run the program by typing 'mono build/src/bless.exe' from within the top source directory. Enjoy!

  1. Documentation

The doc/ directory contains documentation directed both at the user and at the developer who wants to explore Bless. The doc/user/ subdirectory contains information about using bless whereas doc/developer/ contains developer information (bless api etc). Note: The developer documentation is almost non-existent.

  1. Known Issues