afrieirham / wasepje

Open-Source WhatsApp Link Rotator
41 stars 14 forks source link
clerk nextjs open-source postgresql prisma shadcn-ui supabase t3-stack tailwindcss trpc


Open-source WhatsApp Link Rotator, a alternative.

Tech Stack

This is a T3 Stack project bootstrapped with create-t3-app.

For more information on the frameworks used for this project, checkout the following links:

Before running the project

1. You need these environment variables, see .env.example for more information on the required format.

2. Create a PostgreSQL database and get the database URL (this project uses Supabase).

Create a New Database

createdb <YOUR_DATABASE>

Get the Database URL

Locally, you can grab the URL like this (replace username & password with your db credentials)


You can install PostgreSQL using Supabase

For Supabase, you can copy the connection URL from the project dashboard.

This URL should be used for the DATABASE_URL environment variable.

3. Create a Clerk account, setup a project to get these value.

4. Create a Stripe account to get these value.

5. Create a .env file and add all the required variables.

Starting the app

1. Fork and clone the repo locally.

Fork the Repo initially, then clone it to your machine.

git clone
cd wasepje

2. Make sure all the required environment variables are added in .env file.

3. Install dependencies with bun.

If you haven't installed Bun yet, run the following command:

curl -fsSL | bash

Next, install the required dependencies:

bun install

4. Run bun db:push to setup the database.

5. Run bun dev to start the app on localhost:3000