afsalthaj / golem-timeline

Implementation of TimeLine with Durable Execution
MIT License
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Golem Timeline

Watch the talk from Afsal at LambdaConf:2024:Estes-Park:Colorado

TimeLine Analytics backed by Durable Execution Engine provided by Golem

The project begins with building the library to get the following DSL working



Actual timeline

seek  |                   seek
buffer|                               ---(buffer)---
play  |         ---(play)--             
t ---------------------------------------------->  
                t1        t2          t3          t10

TimeLine DSL semantics



Not TLHas_Existed_Within(seek, 5sec)

t1----------               t7-------------             


Latest state is buffer (TL_LatestEventToState)


t1          t3

And all of it




3sec                            /
2sec                          /
1sec                        /
                          t7  t8 t9 t10

The summary of the above timeline is as follows:

User did start playing at some point. After playing user did perform a seek event at some point. We extend this event to a configurable 5 seconds. Even after extending the seek event to 5 seconds, we can see there still exists 3 seconds of buffering, indicating this buffering may not be the direct outcome of seek - contributing to the connection induced rebuffering!

A simple credit card transaction outlier detection

TL_HasExistedWithin(TL_DurationInCurState(TL_LatestEventToState(col("lat_long")), col(duration) < 10)


# Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup install stable && rustup default stable
rustup target add wasm32-wasi

# Install wasm tools 
cargo install --force --locked  wasm-tools@1.0.57

# Install Cargo Component
cargo install --force --locked cargo-component@0.7.0

# Install golem-cli (OSS, for enterprise edition, golem-cloud-cli)
cargo install golem-cli

# Install cargo make
cargo install cargo-make

Initalise golem profile using golem-cli

golem-cli init

Select golem profile instead of cloud if you are using OSS. We will be using docker-compose in docker-examples folder in golem repository. Please refer to .env variables to understand the port configurations of worker-service and component-service

Golem Version Tested

golem-cli --version
golem-cli 0.0.96

Quick Start to spin up Golem Timeline with Golem OSS

Spin up golem and Pulsar streaming

docker-compose up -d

This wil deploy the OSS version of Golem , along with Pulsar (which will be used later). Pulsar sort of simulates the existence of events in streaming platforms employed in various companies.

The docker version should correspond to 0.0.96 similar to CLI. It's good to download the latest dockeer-compose from golem website or repository, to avoid any issues.

Generate all required code and build timeline project

cargo make build-flow

Please note that timeline-processor-stub project isn't listed in Makefile.toml due to: This implies, only if you are making changes to timeline-processor related wit files, you will run into various issues. One hack you could do is, after making changes the timeline=processor/wit file, generate the stub again using

golem-cli stubgen generate -s timeline-processor/wit -d timeline-processor-stub

And then explicitly delete the new wit directories that was created, followed by cargo component build, which will direct you further on what to do! But be aware that this can be slightly tricky.

Run a quick test

./ essentially registers the workflow and makes a dry run to see if everything is set up correctly.

This should give some output like this,

Core Composed: "16809bce-95df-4607-9697-55edb2dfea71"
Raw Events: "17e0839e-9e9b-4e3f-bcd0-26de49aefa98"
Driver: "0a3072c5-b7d7-489b-8ee8-c3add4fa093e"
A dry run on deployed timeline...

Invocation results in WAVE format:
- ok("cirr-le2s-playerStateChange")


Streaming with Pulsar

Now for demo purpose we use pulsar for streaming. We have a sample producer and a feeder (which reads the events and feeds it to the worker that handles the events directly). More explanations on different types of workers (processing events, processing timelines itself etc) will be given later.

You can test this workflow by first building the producer and feeder, and run them separately.

cd sample-event-feeder
cargo build
export WORKER_NAME=cirr-le2s-playerStateChange
export COMPONENT_ID=17e0839e-9e9b-4e3f-bcd0-26de49aefa98
RUST_LOG=DEBUG target/debug/sample-event-feeder

Now the consumer is running, ready to accept the events produced by sample-event-producer.

cd sample-event-producer
cargo build
RUST_LOG=DEBUG target/debug/sample-event-producer

The consumer (feeder) essentially reads the events, and feed it to the worker that is acting as leaf node (basically, reading the events directly) to compute leaf timeline nodes. For now, our leaf node corresponds to tl_latest_event_to_state tracking playerStateChange field in the event.

This is all still a work in progress, in terms of designing and implementing a well defined workflow with implementation of every DSL nodes in TimeLine.


RustRover and IntelliJ users should enable rustfmt instead of built-in formatter as described here: