afylab / Data-Vault-Plotter

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# Data-Vault-Plotter

Generates plots from Data Vault files. The software can be used to plot incoming data live or view saved files.

The live-plotting tool can both look for newly created files in a specified Data Vault directory, or plot from an already active data set and plot new data as it is added to the file. Saved data can be plotted from any directory.

The plotter has three main functions, all of which can be accessed from the software's main window:

Setup Listener:

Adding Data Vault Parameters to Enable Plotting:

For every independent variable add a range and a number of points using the following syntax replacing #### with your variable name

dv.add_parameter('####_pnts', number of points) dv.add_parameter('####_rng', (minimum value, maximum value))

where dv is your LabRAD Data Vault connection. For example, for the independent varialbe 'p0' which will take on 100 values between 0 and 5 you should add:

dv.add_parameter('p0_pnts', 100) dv.add_parameter('p0_rng', (0,5))

Adding Data Vault Parameter to Auto-start Plotting To auto-start plots when your Data Vault file is created, add a parameter 'live_plots' followed by a list of tuples where each tuple is a list of variable names you want to plot on each axis. For a 2D plot, add (x_axis, y_axis, z_axis). For a 1D trace add (x_axis, y_axis).

For example, the following line will autostart a 2D plot of 'C_v' vs. 'n0' and 'p0', a 2D plot of 'V' vs. 'p0' and 'n0', and a 1D plot of 'T' vs. 'p0':

dv.add_parameter('live_plots', (('n0', 'p0', 'C_v'), ('p0', 'T'), ('p0', 'n0', 'V')))

If you want to only auto-start 1 plot, do NOT place the tuple inside a list. For instance if you ONLY want to plot 'C_v' vs. 'n0' and 'p0' add the parameter

dv.add_parameter('live_plots', ('n0', 'p0', 'C_v'))