aganovia / CIS467-spherical-easel

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Spherical Geometry

Prerequisite for Building/Compiling the app

  1. Download and install NodeJS. Verify that node and npm are installed correctly by typing

    node -v        # Version 10.16.3 (or newer)
    npm -v          # version 6.13.2 (or newer)
  2. Download and install Yarn. Verify yarn installation by typing

    yarn -v         # version 1.22.4 (or newer)

Setting Up for Development

In the project top directory. Type yarn install to install external dependencies required by the project. This command must be run when you try to build the project for the first time.

# Install external dependencies (required for the first time)
yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

# Start the app on a local server
yarn serve

After typing yarn serve, use your browser to open localhost:8080 (or whatever port number used by yarn serve).

Optional commands

yarn build        # to build for production
yarn docs:build   # to build the documentation
yarn lint         # to run linter program


The docs subdirectory is reserved for documentation files built using VuePress.

To view the documentation page:

yarn docs:serve

To build the documentation page:

yarn docs:build    # do this AFTER `yarn build`

After a successful document build, you will find a new directory dist/docs.