agarbato / unicloud

Unison file sync web interface
MIT License
66 stars 5 forks source link
api docker file-sharing file-sync file-synchronization file-syncing flask home-assistant python synchronization unison

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Unicloud, a unison ui web interface and a smart file syncronizer :-)

This started as a personal project a while ago but I decided to make it public. I've been using unison for a long time to keep folders in sync between different computers.
I decided to create this project to add a web interface to unison, monitor all sync and make it simpler to add a new replica of my files and run unison on docker.
In this way when I have a spare computer where I can run docker I just add another replica to my important files.
The tool provides an automatic way to manage your clients through a registration process and give you a nice overview of sync events and status.
Clients can sync from a central server or from a local replica to save bandwidth.

This was one of my first python projects and I have zero to little experience with html, css and graphic design. I would be happy if someone
is willing to contribute to redesign the interface using bootstrap.

Live Demo

Live demo here

User : demo
Password : _uniclouddemo2022


Quick start

Follow below instructions or check examples folder where you can find some "ready to go" docker-compose.

Please read volume persistent requirements:

Before you can start using this tool you might want to test locally with docker-compose.
Simply run :

 docker-compose up -d  

Docker will pull the image from the docker hub and start the project.
Open your browser here passing credentials specified on the docker-compose file.

Wait a few seconds and the app should be up and running.
On the homepage you will see that there are no registered clients and no shares defined.

Before you can start to sync, two mandatory steps are required:

The share name must match the one defined on the docker-compose by the SERVER_SHARE env variable. [SERVER_SHARE] is not server path, is one of the share name defined on server

The client will keep restarting until registration is completed and the share is defined, check docker-compose logs for troubleshooting.

When you activate a client the ssh pub key will be automatically added to the authorized_keys and unison will be able to sync using SSH.

Follow messages on the homepage to complete all the required steps.

If you want to start again fresh, simple run :

./local_tests/ docker-compose up -d


Startup process prints everything on standard output, run

 docker-compose logs   

to find some useful information.

If you need help create an issue providing logs and your docker-compose, I'll be happy to help.

Server, Client and replica server

To run unicloud you need at least a server and a client.
Server manage share files and act as API Server to register clients and sync events.
Synchronization is done with unison through SSH.
Since unison allows bi-directional sync an additional role exist on unicloud, a replica server A replica server is nothing more than a simple client which also expose SSH server allowing other clients to sync from it.
Once a client is registered its ssh pub key is stored on server and propagated to all replica servers.
A client can hence connect to any replica server.
A typical scenario where you might need a replica server is where your central server is remote on internet and you have several clients on your local network.
Instead of uploading/downloading multiple times from/to your local network you might have a lan server (always on) and some occasional clients that sync from your local server.
This is very convenient especially if you have to sync a large amount of data.

Environment variables

Name Default Scope Description
TZ Europe/Rome [Client][Replica_Server][Server] Timezone
SERVER_UI_USERNAME admin [Server] Ui Basic Auth Username
SERVER_UI_PASSWORD None [Server] Ui Basic Auth Password
SHARES_PATH /shares [Server] Server Shares volume
FILEMANAGER_ROOT /shares [Server] Root Folder for File Manager
MAX_LOG_EVENTS 1000 [Server] Max Sync Logs to keep
HOME_ASSISTANT False [Server] Enable Home assistant integration
HOME_ASSISTANT_URL None [Server] Home Assistant URL
HOME_ASSISTANT_PUSH_INTERVAL 60 [Server] Home Assistant Push Interval
HOME_ASSISTANT_TOKEN None [Server] Home assistant Long Live token
CLIENT_HOSTNAME $HOSTNAME [Client][Replica_Server] Client Hostname (see notes below)
CLIENT_DEST /data/share [Client][Replica_Server] Path of synced folder
SERVER_HOSTNAME None [Client][Replica_Server] Server Hostname
SERVER_PORT 22 [Client][Replica_Server] Server SSH Port to connect
SERVER_SHARE None [Client][Replica_Server] Server Share Name (not path!!)
REPLICA_SERVER_SOURCE /data/share [Client] Server share Path (used only by a client connected to a replica server)
API_HOSTNAME SERVER_HOSTNAME [Client][Replica_Server] Api Hostname, Default to Server Hostname
API_PROTOCOL http [Client][Replica_Server] Api protocol: [http|https]
API_PORT 80 [Client][Replica_Server] Api port
SHARE_IGNORE .unison [Client][Replica_Server] Ignore files from share, eg : .git|.idea|.DS_Store
UNISON_PARAMS None [Client][Replica_Server] Additional unison profile params eg : owner=false|perms=0|dontchmod=true
SYNC_INTERVAL 300 [Client][Replica_Server] Sync Interval seconds
ROLE client [Client][Replica_Server][Server] Sync Role: [client|server|replica_server]
USER unicloud [Client][Replica_Server][Server] Username for running app
USER_UID 1000 [Client][Replica_Server][Server] Userid for running app
USER_GIDS None [Client][Replica_Server][Server] Additional group ids for user, comma separated (eg: 33,14)

Volumes and persistence

Make sure default userid(1000) is a system valid id with read/write permission on persistent volumes, if not change USER_UID env var on docker-compose.yml On linux run command id to get your user id

Client needs two volumes, one to persist its configuration and unison profiles/db files and one for the actual share folder to keep in sync.

Server also need two volumes:

It's best to have a single shares root folder volume and then assign, mount and configure all shares as sub-folders.

+ [/shares]    [/shares/share1]    [/shares/share2]

Shares root folder can be changed with SHARES_PATH env variable.

Nothing prevents you to mount additional volumes on the server and configure them as shares on a different path, just remember to configure correctly USER_UID variable so that the application can read files.
Shares root is also used by the file manager as root folder so if you mount on a different location you won't be able to browse files.


If you never used unison you should have a look first at unison doc to better understand how it works and why it's better than other sync tools.
It's been around since 1998 but it's still an active project and people still rely on it to secure their files.
When you add a large share folder unison needs to index first your files. The first sync could take a while but this is totally normal, once the index is in place
you will notice the next syncs will be very fast even for a very large folder.

System Backup

As of relase 1.4 a new share is created automatically called unicloud_backup
A daily job will create a tar.gz file with all files needed in case you want to migrate the installation to a new system.
7 backup are kept on the folder and rotated automatically.
Connect at least one client to this share to save backup on a remote system or download manually using file manager

SSH Security

As already described ssh key exchange is done automatically when you activate a client for the first time.
To add a little bit of security and avoid that a client could actually SSH into the server a restriction is in place to allow only unison command.

authorized_keys file will have this format:

command="/usr/bin/unison -server" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQAB... CLIENT:testing-client1 To add more security a chroot env could be eventually added in the future.

Sync Events / Thresholds


One of the most fancy feature of the app is the events section.
You can see details about an event id, basically you will see unison logs there.
On the event page you can filter events by different criterias.

In order to keep sqlite database small events logs are purged with a daily scheduled task.
Events are not deleted, just the logs are replaced with a None .
You can decide how many events logs you want to keep with MAX_LOG_EVENTS var, default is 1000.

Home Assistant Integration

Why? Just because it's cool :-)
I use home assistant for a lot of stuff so I wanted to have unicloud as entities on HA.
I didn't have time so far to create a real integration, maybe I will consider it for the future if useful.
As for now client/server/shares infos are published at a custom interval (HOME_ASSITANT_PUSH_INTERVAL).
Clients have also binary_sensors for replica sync status (InSync/OutOfSync).
Configuration is simple, make sure you have a token and fillup all 4 HOMEASSISTANT* ENV VARS.

This is the result on home assistant.


In order to have a clear view if a client is in sync you can set a sync threshold (seconds) on client configuration page.
If you do so, you can check if a client is Out of Sync on the clients page and you will see a message on the homepage warning you that one or more clients are out of sync.

Simple file manager

A simple file manager provided by Flask Autoindex is included in the project