age-series / ElectricalAge

Electrical Age (ELN) is a Minecraft Mod offering the ability to perform large-scale in-game electrical simulations.
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Rain falls through covered SixNode blocks #225

Closed furro-atomico closed 3 years ago

furro-atomico commented 3 years ago

i cant say more, it just happens (sorry for my bad english) 2020-09-28_19 32 58

jrddunbr commented 3 years ago

It does happen. I'll fix it one of these days.

Grissess commented 3 years ago

Bad news: in 1.7.10, the Block class' isOpaqueCube is nilary, so it can't be specialized for specific blocks in the world. A viable workaround might be to have two different Block class instances (one which is, and one which isn't) and switch between the two at runtime--fortunately, our simulation doesn't depend on blocks much.

Good news: as of 1.12.2, that method is unary (taking an IBlockState), so this can be solved in the 1.12.2 port with a separate block state--which is moderately akin to the "multiple class instances" above.

jrddunbr commented 3 years ago

I doubt this will be worth the effort.