ageddesi / ComicCollabPublic

Comic Collab Open Bug / Feature Tracking
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Comic Collab Open Bug / Feature Tracking

Gitter chat ko-fi

This project is the public project for, please use this site to request features and submit any bugs you find while using the software

Public Release

We are currently still working towards our first publish release of the software version 1.0.0. Until then you can help us shape this software by taking part in the Beta below.


We are currently in an early beta testing phase, if you would like to take part, please keep an eye on our twitter page and Gitter chat, we will update them when ever there is a new release to play with.

As this is beta testing, by taking part please remember that data could be removed at anytime as we refine features ready for our first launch. You can see what has been released in each beta release below.

Latest Release Notes

Release Notes

Version: 0.4.0 - Release Date: 1st July 2020

Task Board

[New Feature] - Task Backlog

A user can now add tasks to a task backlog and then when they are ready can move that task to the main board and specify the column it will fall under.


[New Feature] - Artwork Revisions

A user can now add artwork revisions to a previously uploaded artwork

[New Feature] - Artwork Deletion

A user can now delete a piece of artwork if they are the original uploader of that artwork or a project owner/admin.

[Bug Fix] - Image Upload Form Not Resetting after upload

Artwork Chat

[New Feature] - Chat Events

We can now add events to a chat log, our first implementation of this is when you upload a piece of artwork or a revision of one. You will get a notification in the chat for the artwork that this has happened.


[Improvement] - Project Image

A user no longer needs to upload an image when creating a project, Instead we will show you a random emoji in its place.

[New Feature] - Edit Project Details

A user can now update a projects title, description and image from within the project settings page. You must be a project owner of admin to do this.

[Bug Fix] - Blank screen when no projects

When a user only has archived projects. The main was not showing the add new button. This has now been fixed

[Bug Fix] - Form does not reset after making a new project