ageller / BASE9_utils

Code utilities for running and analyzing results from BASE-9
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BASE-9 utils

Code utilities for running and analyzing results from BASE-9


The codes in this repo provide a pipeline for identifying photometric binaries in open clusters and works in conjunction with the Bayesian Analysis for Stellar Evolution with Nine Variables (BASE-9) code. Here we download Gaia, Pan-STARRS, and 2MASS photometry and create input files for BASE-9. We also provide various analysis and validation codes for BASE-9 results. More details on this pipeline can be found in Childs et al. (in prep). Documentation for the BASE-9 code can be found at All parts of the pipeline use dependencies that can be included in a the virtual environment, BASE9, using conda by running the following commands in a terminal:

conda create --name BASE9 -c conda-forge python=3.10 astropy astroquery jupyter scipy numpy matplotlib pandas pyyaml shapely bokeh
conda activate BASE9
pip install dustmaps

Note: you also need to have a working version of latex installed in order to produce the figures created with these codes.

How to Use

This pipeline is comprised of three major parts that must be run sequentially:

  1. Generating the file.phot and file.yaml input files for BASE-9's singlePopMcmc
  2. Formatting the results from singlePopMcmc for a parallelized version of BASE-9's sampleMass to produce the file.df file.
  3. Adding noise modeled on the observational noise in file.df to the simulated photometry from BASE-9's simCluster and then running this noisy simulated photometry through parallelized sampleMass to test for completeness.

1. Generating BASE-9 input files for singlePopMcmc

The codes for generating the input files for the first stage of BASE-9 (the singlePopMcmc stage) are found in the getGaiaData folder. The makePhot.ipynb notebook file,, and OCcompiled_clean_v2.csv files are needed. The makePhot.ipynb notebook will interface with the code to query and format the observational data. The output of these codes are the file.phot and file.yaml files (whose names can be defined in the code) needed for singlePopMcmc input. These codes will also make use of Gaia kinematic and distnace measurements, where avaialable for stars, to determine the cluster membership prior (CMprior) of each star.

In order to run the makePhot.ipynb notebook, the user must have also downloaded the OCcompiled_clean_v2.csv file which contains the cluster prior values for the BASE-9 analysis. More specifically, the file contains the center coordinates, cluster mass, age, distance, reddening, and metalliticity for a hundreds of Galactic open clusters. These values are taken from previous literature, and compiled in this GitHub repo and are necessary parameters for our pipeline.

To run the makePhot.ipynb, the clusterName variable must be set to the name of cluster of interest, as it appears in the OCcompiled_clean_v2.csv file. The user can apply differential reddening corrections by setting cluster.deredden = True. If the user does not wish to apply differential reddening corretions set cluster.deredden = False.

The user may also change the cluster.sig_fac number, which sets the number of standard deviations for which we want to calculate CMpriors of the stars. The default for this value is set to 10 but should be reduced for a more selective sample of likely cluster members. (Stars ourside of cluster.sig_fac are excluded as field stars.)

cluster.runAll(clusterName) should be run if the user is querying the data for the first time. If the user does not need to re-query the data and has a saved a .ecsv of the data from a previous call of cluster.runAll(clusterName), the user should run cluster.runAll(clusterName,dataFile.ecsv), where dataFile.ecsv is the file with the previously queried data. Running this code will produce the file.phot and file.yaml files as well as plots of the fits to the Gaia data in RV, parallax, proper motion, and a CMD with cluster members shown in pink.

In the second to last cell there is an interactive isochrone tool: cluster.createInteractiveIsochrone. This tool allows the user to adjust cluster values to see how it will affect the isochrone and check its fit to the star in the file.phot file. (You will also need to download the PARSEC.model file from the BASE-9 models GitHub repo in order to run this, as also stated in the notebook.) These adjustments in cluster values will be applied to the starting values in the file.yaml. The interactive tool also allows user to remove additional field stars from file.phot and also cluster members that may throw off the BASE-9 fit (e.g., blue stragglers, etc.). The filters shown on the CMD can be changed with the mag, color1, and color2 arguments. The list of filters available are commented in the notebook. Once the user has found an isochrone, they can generate the file.phot and file.yaml files with the updated photometry and starting values.

The last cell contains another interactive tool: cluster.createInteractiveSelector, which can be used to interactively select regions in kinematic and distance space that may define the cluster and see those selected stars on a CMD. This may be useful for a cluster that is heavily embedded in a rich field where the automated algorithms in our code have difficulty selecting members. Using cluster.createInteractiveSelector, the user can identify helpful limits to trim down the data before sending it through cluster.runAll. (Note: this interactive is also built in Bokeh and should be executed in a similar manner as cluster.createInteractiveIsochrone.)

If the parallelized version of singlePopMcmc is being used (see BASE-9 docs for more details) and each chain is in a different directory named Run$i, where $i is an int 1-10, the chains can be combined back together with the code found in the getGaiaData folder. The clusterName must be set in this code before running it.

We provide codes within the plotting/ directory of this repo that can be used to generate summary plots and statistics for the posterior distributions resulting from singlePopMcmc. Please see the README in that directory for more information.

2. Parallelizing sampleMass

After running singlePopMcmc, you can run sampleMass to derive star-by-star masses, mass-ratios and photometric membership probabilities. This takes quite a long time but can be split to run in parallel. To do this, we need to split the file.phot file and run a separate instance of sampleMass on each subset of the file.phot file. The code in the sampleMass_parallelization directory will:

  1. trim the .res file to include only stage 3 (trim_res)
  2. divide the .phot file into chunks (divide_phot)
  3. generate a job script for Quest (using Slurm) to run sampleMass in parallel

example command:

python --res ngc188.res --phot NGC_188.phot --yaml base9.yaml --nthreads 4

NOTE: This will trim your res file to only include stage 3. You should make a copy of it to keep the original version.

A typical number of threads to use for open clusters on Quest is 500. After sampleMass is done running, the resulting files can be combined into one condensed file that summarizes the results with the sampleMassParallelization/sampleMassAnalysis.ipynb notebook. To run the code in a Jupyter notebook call write_data(clusterName). This will read in each partion of the parallelized sampleMass output and summarize the results in a file.df file. The file.df file contain for every star sent through sampleMass (in separate rows) with the columns:

3. Adding noise to simCluster data

To test for completeness, synthetic noise modeled after the noise in the observational data can be added to the simulated data from simCluster. To do so requires the file.df file from the sampleMassAnalysis.ipynb code, the simulated phot file (file.sim.out), and the code which can be found in the simCluster_utils folder. The code requires two flags to be set. The -n flag requires the name of the cluster, and the -m flag requires the minimum Gaia G magnitude for which to apply noise to stars with G magnitudes in between 20 and -m. For example, to run the code on NGC 188 for stars dimmer than G=12 the command is

python3 -n NGC_188 -m 12

This will produce the output file simCluster.phot which has noise added to simulated data for stars in the G magnitude range 12 to 20. This simCluster.phot can then be run through the parallelized version of sampleMass in the same way as described above, and the results can be used to test for completeness.