agentcoinorg / predictionprophet

An AI agent that can predict the future.
MIT License
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Prediction Prophet

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Prediction Prophet is an agent that specializes in making informed predictions, based on web research. To try it yourself head to or build and run from source following these setup instructions.

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How It Works

To elaborate further, given a question like "Will Twitter implement a new misinformation policy before the 2024 elections?", Prophet will:

  1. Generate n web search queries and re-ranks them using an LLM call, selecting only the most relevant ones
  2. Search the web for each query, using Tavily
  3. Scrape and sanitize the content of each result's website
  4. Use Langchain's RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter to split the content of all pages into chunks and create embeddings. All chunks are stored with the content as metadata.
  5. Iterate over the queries selected on step 1 and vector search for the most relevant chunks created in step 4.
  6. Aggregate all relevant chunks and prepare a report.
  7. Make a prediction.



  1. Clone the repository

    git clone

  2. Copy the .env.template file and rename it to .env.

    cp .env.template .env

  3. Find the line that says OPENAI_API_KEY=, and add your unique OpenAI API Key


  4. Find the line that says TAVILY_API_KEY=, and add your unique Tavily API Key


  5. Install all dependencies

    poetry install

  6. Enter the python environment

    poetry shell

Now you're ready to go!


poetry run predict "Will Twitter implement a new misinformation policy before the 2024 elections?"


poetry run research "Will Twitter implement a new misinformation policy before the 2024 elections?"


poetry run streamlit run ./prediction_prophet/

Possible Future Improvements

For the researcher:

For the information evaluator/grader