A frontend for the EES application using Mapbox and the Vue.js framework.
MATSim road network links for each region are visualised using pbf tiles hosted by a tiles server. Phoenix fires are expected to be in a geojson format, with each feature having properties:
for time scrubbingFLAME_HT
for flame heightFLAME_INTSTY
for colour of flameThe state of the application is held and manipulated mostly by a Vuex store.
The store is separated into modules for each functional aspect of the application src/store/modules
The store modules are in the global scope so that multiple modules can respond
to a particular mutation or action call (e.g. action clearMap
Components mostly call actions, which activate mutations in order to manipulate MapBox and update the state.
npm install
npm run serve
Add a .env.local to the project root as follows:
# .env.local
npm run build
npm run test
npm run lint
npm run test:e2e
npm run test:unit
The Mapbox UI relies on a tile server hosting the matsim network for that region. The UI allows only one active MATSim region at a time.
Region and fire data is stored in the Vuex store module src/store/modules/config.js
id: "Surf_Coast_Shire",
name: "Surf Coast Shire",
center: [144.326271, -38.332386], // Torquay Esplanade
matsimNetworkLayer: "surf_coast_shire_networkP",
process.env.VUE_APP_EES_TILES_API +
phoenixRuns: [
name: "Fire Evac Grid",
description: "12:00 point fire ignition",
process.env.VUE_APP_EES_TILES_API +
IMPORTANT: The matsimNetworkLayer
attribute must match the filename of the original GeoJSON
file used in the tippecanoe conversion to mbtiles (e.g. surf_coast_shire_networkP
refers to