agile-france / propile

Community Conference Program Compiler (for Agile France)
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UPDATE rails and gems #10

Closed oelmekki closed 10 years ago

oelmekki commented 10 years ago

A pacific app

All resources' destroy routes has previsouly been disabled in config/routes.rb, to "prevent the review without session problem from happening again" (see commit).

This sounds like a panic fix and a radical measure : it is not possible anymore to delete anything from webinterface. This will have to be fixed in a reasonable way at some point, providing we understand what the original problem was (there is absolutely no documentation about that, the only information we can have is from issue #62 with ... "no description given").

Anyway, tests for destroy actions were still there. While it was not a problem with previous versions of rails and rspec, controller spec now checks if a given action is bound to a route before trying to execute it. This caused all #destroy specs to failed, except the one for ArchivedPresentersController, which has been marked as broken: true (and thus, not executed).

Marked all others as broken as well. To be fixed the sooner possible.

Config page

#form_for on PropileConfigs#index were passed a nil  model, counting on :url options to set proper path. This is not possible anymore, pass a mock PropileConfig model to fix it.

Gem changed


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