agile-france / propile

Community Conference Program Compiler (for Agile France)
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Community Conference Program Compiler for Agile France.

Continuous delivery is ensured by Travis: Build Status



Some environment variables are needed to set up the app :


Mailer (with Mandrill service)

You only need the first six for a development environment, set them in your .bashrc, .tmuxrc, or whatever you want than will set environment variables for your application.

To create databases :

$ sudo -u postgres psql

postgres=# create database <PROPILE_DEV_DB_NAME>;
postgres=# create user <PROPILE_DEV_DB_USER> with password '<PROPILE_DEV_DB_PASS>';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database <PROPILE_DEV_DB_NAME> to <PROPILE_DEV_DB_USER>;
postgres=# create database <PROPILE_TEST_DB_NAME>;
postgres=# create user <PROPILE_TEST_DB_USER> with password '<PROPILE_TEST_DB_PASS>';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database <PROPILE_TEST_DB_NAME> to <PROPILE_TEST_DB_USER>;
postgres=# ^d

$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
$ RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate

Then, ensure tests are passing :

bundle exec rspec spec/


To populate database the very first time you run the app :

bundle exec rake db:seed

This will create a Session and a few Presenters and Comments.

To create a user for yourself :

email, pass = 'your email', 'your pass'

me = = email
me.maintainer = true # set to false if you want a presenter account
me.password = pass
me.password_confirmation = pass
me.confirmed_at =

You can now log in. Please note that even if you set yourself as a maintainer, a presenter profile should still be created as me.presenter to avoid app crashing when reaching dashboard.


To be able to inspect mails on development env, please install mailcatcher :

gem install mailcatcher

It will proxies all mails to a web interface that you can start using :


No mail will be sent out. You can run the application without installing or running mailcatcher, you just won't be able to inspect mails.

Findings about design

Sessions and sessions

There are two kind of session in this app :

The Session model is related to former one.

Creating accounts

To create account, go to the configuration page and use the "New presenter/Maintainer" link in the "Maintainers" section.

Upon completion, a confirmation email will be sent.