agile-lab-dev / DataQuality

DataQuality for BigData
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Is fileType = csv supported? #1

Closed zoraida closed 6 years ago

zoraida commented 6 years ago

I have tried to run ExampleCustomer.conf configuration and after getting the exception: 18/01/14 20:27:13 WARN apps.DQMasterBatch$: **** Exception in thread "main" it.agilelab.bigdata.DataQuality.exceptions.IllegalParameterException: Unknown parameters = csv at it.agilelab.bigdata.DataQuality.configs.ConfigReader$$anonfun$getSourcesById$1.apply(ConfigReader.scala:81) at it.agilelab.bigdata.DataQuality.configs.ConfigReader$$anonfun$getSourcesById$1.apply(ConfigReader.scala:61)

I run into the code and it looks like only "fixed" fileType is supported:

        val schema    = generalConfig.getString("fileType") match {
          case "fixed"   => {
            if      (Try(generalConfig.getObjectList("schema")).isSuccess) getFixedStructSchema(generalConfig)
            else if (Try(generalConfig.getStringList("fieldLengths")).isSuccess) getFixedSchema(generalConfig)
            else {
              val allKeys = generalConfig.entrySet().map(_.getKey)
              throw new IllegalParameterException("\n CONFIG: "+allKeys.mkString(" - "))
          case x => throw new IllegalParameterException(x)

Is there any other more updated branch than master? Thanks!

zoraida commented 6 years ago

Could you at least upload an example of how to specify the schema for fixed fileType?

GianRock commented 6 years ago

Hi @zoraida we are aware of that issue, indeed very soon we will update the project with a new release that not only will fix that issue but will also introduce new features.

zoraida commented 6 years ago

Hi! That sounds great! Thanks!

De: GianRock Responder a: agile-lab-dev/DataQuality Fecha: lunes, 22 de enero de 2018, 11:47 Para: agile-lab-dev/DataQuality CC: ZORAIDA HIDALGO SANCHEZ, Mention Asunto: Re: [agile-lab-dev/DataQuality] Is fileType = csv supported? (#1)

Hi @zoraida we are aware of that issue, indeed very soon we will update the project with a new release that not only will fix that issue but will also introduce new features.

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zoraida commented 6 years ago

That sounds great! Thanks!

zoraida commented 6 years ago

Hi! any update on this?

GianRock commented 6 years ago

@zoraida did you try the new relase?