agile-lab-dev / DataQuality

DataQuality for BigData
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Agile Lab Data Quality

DQ is a framework to build parallel and distributed quality checks on big data environments. It can be used to calculate metrics and perform checks to assure quality on structured or unstructured data. It relies entirely on Spark.

Data Quality framework has been developed by Agile Lab.

Compared to typical data quality products, this framework performs quality checks at raw level. It doesn't leverage any kind of SQL abstraction like Hive or Impala because they perform type checks at runtime hiding bad formatted data. Hadoop is mainly unstructured data (files), so we think that quality checks must be performed at row level without typed abstractions.

With DQ you are allowed to:


Perform metrics and checks on huge data is a hard task. With DQ we want to build a flexible framework that allow to specify a formalism to make different metrics to calculate in parallel and one-pass application, and perform and store checks on data. We use Typesafe Configuration to set workflows and Spark to ingest and perform Data Quality applications based on it.



The Data Quality project is divided into 2 main modules:

Data Quality is using Typesafe configuration files in order to define the logic of your applications: here you can specify sources to load, metrics to process on data, checks to evaluate, targets to save results and many more. List of entities to configure:

Run on cluster, is possible via scheduled period and range on dates.


You can find Data Quality documentation here. It is divided into several sections:

You can improve it by sending pull requests to this repository.


Data Quality is currently using following dependencies:

To be able to use all the features of Data Quality you'll need to setup a database

All modules of DQ works independently.:

Building CORE module

From the sbt console opened in the root project issue the following commands:

- project core
- assembly

This should generate the core artifact in <your-project-dir>/dq-core/target/scala-<scala-version>/dq-core_<spark-major.minor>_<scala-major.minor.patch>-<dq-version>.jar


There are some examples here, but here is one to get you started:

We have the famous USGS earthquake dataset and we want to know what is an average depth per year and set a check if it's bigger than some constraint.

Let's start with the source! For this example we will you only one snapshot:

Sources: [
    id = "USGS_2000"
    type = "HDFS"
    path = "/PATH_TO_FILES/docs/examples/data/usgs/USGS_2000.csv"
    delimiter = ","
    header = true
    fileType = "csv"

Now we can calculate our metric (mean of depth):

Metrics: [
    id: "depth_avg"
    name: "AVG_NUMBER"
    type: "COLUMN"
    description: "Average value of depth"
    config: {
      file: "USGS_2000",
      columns: ["Depth"]

Finally, check if metric result is bigger than 50:

Checks: [
    id: "depth_avg_check"
    type: "snapshot"
    subtype: "GREATER_THAN"
    description: "Checks is average depth is greather than 50"
    config: {
      metrics: ["depth_avg"]
      params: {threshold: "50"}

And we are done! Now we can run it locally or on cluster. Result will be stored in the database defined in 'application.conf'. This is just the beginning, next we can add more metrics, checks, preprocess/postprocess our sources and generate some reports. More information about it you can find here.


The main purpose of this repository is to continue to develop all modules of Data Quality, making it easier and faster to use. Development of Data Quality happens in the open on GitHub, and we are grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and improvements.


Data Quality is GNU GPL licensed.