agilepro / cognoscenti

Major Adaptive CaseManagement, Coordination, Communication, Collaboration System
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more bugs found as I've been doing Learning Path write ups #642

Open johnabuck opened 1 year ago

johnabuck commented 1 year ago

FYI: Here's what I've got so far in the Notes/Minutes box in Admin in our meeting document for tomorrow. J: Can't make the meeting attendance option work or shared styles.css. Put in Github reports on both J: I keep getting a flash display of Learning Path that then disappears J: On the Topics/Search page, it offers me the option of searching in the workspace, all workspaces in the site, or in all sites. Is this latter option showing up only for superadmins? J: In Share Port - it is not clear what the Filter means and it is not clear how to send a Share Port link to someone. I get a Weaver hasn't verified google when I try to link to google docs. I don't understand the Filter field - filter what? Files or folders in google? On the link URL page, shall I just mention in the learning path that it is a bug that the last part of the URL link appears in the name field when you click in it - and advise to overwrite it. Also, why is the button: Show as Text Only File there? Why would I ever want to display something as text only? In the role election process, step two says in part: "Step 2: Enter the email address of the person you want to nominate...". This is incorrect. It should say, "Enter the name of the person...."