agilepro / cognoscenti

Major Adaptive CaseManagement, Coordination, Communication, Collaboration System
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Major Adaptive CaseManagement, Coordination, Communication, Collaboration System


You must have Java installed, preferably Java 21 or later.

You must have Maven installed and working with the Java.

You must have TomCat v10 or later installed.

You must have Mongo installed and running on the standard port for Mongo.


The project is built with MAven. You only need to build from the weaverWar folder. If you have java installed, all you have

cd weaverWar
mvn clean package

This should produce a WAR file in the weaverWar/target folder


You will find the configuration in the WEB-INF/config.txt file. There are four settings of importance in there.

That is enough to get the server up and going. Once you have logged in once, you will have a "user key". This is a 9-letter all caps value that will appear in the URL to your home page. Go to your home page, and you find something like this:

The value "JDVBRFKFH" is the user key in this url. This user key will be different for every installation, you have to log in first to get the server to create it.


If you are going to be doing a lot of testing, there are two more servers you will want to run.

POSTHOC - this is a small TomCat service that appears like a SMTP email server, but it also has a user interface for viewing email received. PostHoc will never forward email to any real email inbox. It holds it all, no matter what the email address. This will prevent you from accidentally spamming a lot of people because of email addresses that happen to be in the test data. Email will only to go PostHoc and no further.

SSOFI - if you run your own identity server then you can create test users as you need, and login to those users using whatever password you want to set up. To set passwords, you need to send email, so be sure to have the POSTHOC email server configured so you can receive those email messages there.