agnesoft / agdb

Agnesoft Graph Database
Apache License 2.0
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The graph database.

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## agdb logo  Agnesoft Graph Database

Quickstart Db | Quickstart Client | QUERIES | DECISION TREE

Why not SQL?

The Agnesoft Graph Database (aka _agdb_) is persistent, optionally memory mapped graph database with native object 'no-text' queries. It can be used as a main persistent storage, data analytics platform as well as fast in-memory cache. Its typed schema-less data store allows for flexible and seamless data updates with no downtime or costly migrations. All queries are constructed via a builder pattern or directly as objects with no special language or text parsing. - [Key Features](#key-features) - [At a glance](#at-a-glance) - [Crate Features](#crate-features) - [Decision Tree](#decision-tree) - [Roadmap](#roadmap) - [Reference](#reference) ## agdb logo  Key Features - Data plotted on a graph - Typed [key-value properties](docs/ attached to graph elements (nodes & edges) - Persistent platform agnostic file based storage (transferable between platforms) - ACID compliant - [Object queries](docs/ with builder pattern (no text, no query language) - Memory mapped for fast querying - [Server mode](docs/ - [OpenAPI clients](docs/ in any programming language - [Cloud](docs/ hosted SaaS database - _Db itself has no dependencies_ ## agdb logo  At a glance [Db] ``` cargo add agdb ``` Basic usage demonstrating creating a database, inserting graph elements with data and querying them back with select and search. The function using this code must handle `agdb::DbError` and [`agdb::QueryError`](docs/ error types for operator `?` to work: ```Rust use agdb::{Db, DbId, QueryBuilder, UserValue, DbUserValue, Comparison::Equal}; let mut db = Db::new("db_file.agdb")?; db.exec_mut(&QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().aliases("users").query())?; #[derive(Debug, UserValue)] struct User { db_id: Option, name: String, } let users = vec![User { db_id: None, name: "Alice".to_string(), }, User { db_id: None, name: "Bob".to_string(), }, User { db_id: None, name: "John".to_string(), }]; let users_ids = db.exec_mut(&QueryBuilder::insert().nodes().values(&users).query())?; db.exec_mut( &QueryBuilder::insert() .edges() .from("users") .to(&users_ids) .query(), )?; ``` This code creates a database called `user_db.agdb` with a simple graph of 4 nodes. The first node is aliased `users` and 3 user nodes for Alice, Bob and John are then connected with edges to the `users` node. The arbitrary `name` property is attached to the user nodes. Rather than inserting values directly with keys (which is also possible) we use our own type and derive from `agdb::UserValue` to allow it to be used with the database. You can select the graph elements (both nodes & edges) with their ids to get them back with their associated data (key-value properties). Lets select our users and convert the result into the list (notice we select only values relevant to our `User` type with passing `User::db_keys()`): ```Rust let users: Vec = db .exec( &QueryBuilder::select() .values(User::db_keys()) .ids(&users_ids) .query(), )? .try_into()?; println!("{:?}", users); // [User { db_id: Some(DbId(2)), username: "Alice" }, // User { db_id: Some(DbId(3)), username: "Bob" }, // User { db_id: Some(DbId(4)), username: "John" }] ``` You can also search through the graph to get back only certain elements based on conditions. For example: ```Rust let user: User = db .exec( &QueryBuilder::select() .values(User::db_keys()) .ids( QueryBuilder::search() .from("users") .where_() .key("name") .value(Equal("Bob".into())) .query(), ) .query(), )? .try_into()?; println!("{:?}", user); // User { db_id: Some(DbId(3)), username: "Bob" } ``` For database concepts and primitive data types see [concepts](docs/ For comprehensive overview of all queries see the [queries](docs/ reference or continue with more in-depth [efficient agdb](docs/ ## agdb logo  Crate Features ### agdb | Feature | Default | Description | | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | derive | yes | Enables derive macro to enable custom user types to be directly used with the database. | | opeanapi | no | Enables `ToSchema` macro on query structs so they can be exported to json OpeanAPI/Swagger schema. | | serde | no | Enables serialiation/deserialization of queries and QueryResult using [`serde`]( | ### agdb_api | Feature | Default | Description | | ------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | reqwest | no | Enables referential implementation of the `HttpClient` trait for agdb API client using [`reqwest`]( | ## agdb logo  Decision Tree ```mermaid flowchart TD; A[Embedded or server?] --> Embedded A --> B[Client or hosting?] Embedded --> Studio[Studio] Embedded --> Queries[Queries] B --> Client B --> Hosting Client --> API[API] Client --> Studio Client --> Queries Hosting --> Server[Server] Hosting --> Cloud[Cloud] ``` ## agdb logo  Roadmap The following are planned features: | Feature | Description | | ------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Agdb Studio | Graphical interface to `agdb` | | Python Client | Convenience client using bindings genereated from OpenAPI. | | Java Client | Convenience client using bindings genereated from OpenAPI. | | C# Client | Convenience client using bindings genereated from OpenAPI. | | C Client | Convenience client using bindings genereated from OpenAPI. | | C++ Client | Convenience client using bindings genereated from OpenAPI. | | Data replication & consensus protocol | Allow replication by connecting several database nodes together with a RAFT protocol. | | Agdb Playground | Free public cloud-based playground to tinker with `agdb`. | | #\[no_std] | The `agdb` does not require any dependencies and thus should be (in theory) `no_std` friendly but it will likely require some development & testing. | | Public Cloud Offering | Commercial & supported `agdb` instance hosted in a public cloud. | ## agdb logo  Reference - [API](docs/ - [But why?](docs/ - [Cloud](docs/ - [Concepts](docs/ - [Efficient agdb](docs/ - [Performance](docs/ - [Queries](docs/ - [Server](docs/ - [Studio](docs/ - [Troubleshooting](docs/