agourlay / omnibus

An HTTP-friendly persistent message bus.
Apache License 2.0
70 stars 4 forks source link

Omnibus Build Status

Omnibus is an HTTP-friendly persistent message bus which means :


Omnibus is in alpha stage. It is under active development. Breaking changes could occur at any moment.

Still reading after this disclaimer? Let's start!

Getting started

Get the latest omnibus.tar distribution, extract and run the starting script in /bin.

This starts Omnibus on default port 8080 for HTTP and port 8081 for WebSockets.

You can configure the system by changing the properties in /conf/application.conf.

omnibus {
    http {
        port = 8080
    websocket {
        port = 8081
        enable = true
    admin {
        userName = "admin"
        password = "omnibus"
    topic {
        retentionTime = "3 days"
    graphite {
        enable = false
        host = ""
        port = 2003
        prefix = "omnibus"

The system is running, now let's explore the API.

REST & hal+json

Omnibus follows the specification hal+json to expose its resources.

It simply means that the REST API is easily discoverable.

Let's demonstrate how it works with some basic commands using CURL.

Topics are trees, you can create them simply with a POST request.

The root URL of every topic is /topics.

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/topics


We receive the empty collection of roots.

Use POST to create the nested topic /topics/animals/furry.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/topics/animals/furry

We can now retrieve informations about the topic we just created using GET

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/topics/animals

  "topic": ["animals"],
  "subTopicsNumber": 1,
  "subscribersNumber": 0,
  "eventsNumber": 0,
  "creationDate" : 1390212312,
  "viewDate": 1390212364,
  "_embedded": {
    "children": [
      { "furry": { "href": "/topics/animals/furry" }}
  "_links": [
    { "self": { "href": "/topics/animals" }},
    { "subscribe": { "href": "/streams/topics/animals" }},
    { "stats": { "href": "/stats/topics/animals" }}

You get there almost all the information you need to interact with a topic in a REST fashion way.

With PUT you can push data to an existing topic.

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/topics/animals -d "dolphins are the best"

If you publish a message at the /animals level, all subtopics will receive it as well.

It is possible to DELETE a topic and all its subtopics via the administration API.

You can also request the collection of leaves topic using GET /leaves. It is a streamed API, so you will receive topics as the topic trees are traversed.

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/leaves

~~> Streaming topic view

And finally you can of course subscribe to the notifications on a topic via WebSockets or SSE. The URL are identical except the port and the protocol :

ws://localhost:8081/streams/topics/animals or http://localhost:8080/streams/topics/animals

Subscription models

Omnibus follows the common subscription model used in similar systems :

Reactive modes

Omnibus supports reactive modes via URL parameters in order to replay specific sequence of events from topics.

The supported modes are:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/streams/topics/results/basketball?react=between-id&since=1&to=2"

~~> Streaming subscription for topics /results/basketball with mode replay

id: 1 event: /result/basketball data: A basket ball game result timestamp: 1388250283

id: 2 event: /result/basketball data: Another basket ball game result timestamp: 1388250552

Composable subscriptions

You can compose subscriptions with the char + in order to merge notifications from multiple topics.

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/streams/topics/customer/order/+/logistic/export

~~> Streaming subscription for topics /customer/order + /logistic/export with mode simple

All the topics must exist at the moment of the subscription or the whole request will be rejected.

Of course you are can use reactive modes on composed subscriptions but be ready to handle the flow of data if you target a root topic with the replay mode.


Omnibus persists the events on the local file-system in order to be able to replay them later if needed.

You can find the your data in the 'data' folder, you can delete the content manually for a rapid maintenance clean up.


All administration features are protected by HTTP basic authentication. (better than nothing for now)

By default the admin credentials are admin/omnibus, this can be changed in the configuration file.

The administration module exposes 3 API :

You can also use the administration web interface running on http://localhost:8080/ to manually access most of the API and statistics.


And here some real-time stats about a topic



Omnibus can be configured to report its usage statistics to a Graphite instance.

graphite {
  enable = false
  host = ""

If you don't want to use Graphite, you can query manually statistics concerning all topics following two modes.

Build and contribute

Build the project with SBT, I personally like ~re-start to restart the application automatically when a file system change occurs.

If you want to build the frontend, you need Bower and Grunt for Javascript build management.

Then in the folder src/main/resources/frontend run the following commands

npm install

bower install


Then you are good to go!