agrignard / WhatsNext

0 stars 1 forks source link


node aspiratorex.js

Input: venues.json

    "name": "terminal",
    "url": "",
    "eventsDelimiterRegex": "<div class=\"tribe-events-pro-photo__event-date-tag tribe-common-g-col\">[^]*?<div class=\"is-divider\" st",
    "eventDate": "<time class=\"tribe-events-pro-photo__event-date-tag-datetime\" datetime=\"([^]*?)\">",
    "eventURL": "<a href=\"([^]*?)\"",
    "eventName": "<h5[^]*?>([^]*?)<",
    "dateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
    "baseURL": ""

Output: webSources/*

Note: Maybe some link are not successfully download in this case rerun the corresponding venue (e.g node aspiratorex.js "Terminal Club")

node analex.js in case some of the already analysez website changed

Output: venueOutput.json

node reparatorex.js to fix some of the website that has not been downloaded

Output: venueOutput.json

node scrapex.js

Input: venues_test.json

Output: generated/scrapexResult.csv


node datacleanex.js

Input: lyon_place.csv and lyon_event.csv

Output: lyon_place.geojson and lyon_event.geojson

node server.js

Input: lyon_place.geojson and lyon_event.geojson