agross / dnf-automatic-restart

Restart machine or services after dnf-automatic installed updates
MIT License
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dnf linux tracer


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dnf-automatic provides automatic updates for your Linux server. However, once updates are applied, you may need to restart services or even the machine (if the Linux kernel was updated) to actually run updated components.

How it works

dnf-automatic-restart is a script to hook into the dnf-automatic update process. After dnf-automatic-install.service finishes dnf-automatic-restart is started and will:

Automatic reboots may be prevented or scheduled by specifying options.


  1. Clone this repository to a location of your choice. I'm using /usr/local/src/dnf-automatic-restart.

    cd /usr/local/src
    git clone
    ln -s /usr/local/src/dnf-automatic-restart/dnf-automatic-restart /usr/local/sbin/dnf-automatic-restart
  2. Install DNF tracer plugin which also installs tracer.

    dnf install -y dnf-plugins-extras-tracer

    On CentOS8 / Rocky8 / AlmaLinux the package is named python3-tracer

    dnf install -y python3-tracer
  3. Install dnf-automatic and enable it.

    dnf install -y dnf-automatic
    # Edit /etc/dnf/automatic.conf.
    systemctl enable dnf-automatic-install.timer
  4. Add a systemd drop-in for dnf-automatic-install.service. The drop-in will enhance the dnf-automatic-install.service unit to run dnf-automatic-restart after the update process has finished.

    SYSTEMD_EDITOR=tee systemctl edit dnf-automatic-install.service <<EOF
    # Path to the cloned script (see step 1 above).


You might want to configure times when automatic restarts are allowed or scheduled.

For example, if you run dnf-automatic on your router and that router is also required for telephony (e.g. VoIP), you might want to delay reboots until the chances that someone is currently on the phone while your internet connection is offline are small.

dnf-automatic-restart supports the following options:

-d        disable reboot
-h        display this help and exit
-n HOURS  no automatic reboot between hours (e.g. 8-22)
-r HOUR   schedule automatic reboot at hour (e.g. 0)

Use them as appropriate for your environment, for example:

# Always schedule reboots at 00:00.
ExecStartPost=/usr/local/sbin/dnf-automatic-restart -r 0
# No reboots between 08:00 and 22:59. You will need to reboot manually.
ExecStartPost=/usr/local/sbin/dnf-automatic-restart -n 8-22
# No reboots between 08:00 and 22:59, schedule them for 00:00.
# If dnf-automatic runs at night (23:00-07:59), reboot immediately.
ExecStartPost=/usr/local/sbin/dnf-automatic-restart -n 8-22 -r 0
# No reboots between 08:00 and 02:59, schedule them for 05:00.
# If dnf-automatic runs in the early morning (03:00-07:59), reboot immediately.
ExecStartPost=/usr/local/sbin/dnf-automatic-restart -n 8-2 -r 5
# No automatic reboots, only services are restarted.
ExecStartPost=/usr/local/sbin/dnf-automatic-restart -d


dnf-automatic-restart logs its actions and the output of tracer to the system journal. You can use this command to inspect actions taken:

journalctl --unit dnf-automatic-install.service

You also may run dnf-automatic-restart manually. Log entries are then also printed to the terminal.