agupta0905 / AGBsvdquartets

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This repository contains all scripts used in our paper, A Comparative Study of SVDquartets and Other Coalescent-Based Species Tree Estimation Methods.

Simulated Datasets

The original, unprocessed simulated datsets used in this study were obtained from the following:

  1. The 11-taxon datasets M1, M2, M3, and M4 with varying levels of ILS was obtained from

  2. The 15-taxon dataset with a pectinate model species tree was obtained from under the "15-taxon datasets" link.

  3. The 37-taxon mammalian simulated dataset with AD=18% was obtained from under the link "Sequence Alignments and Trees for Mammalian 2X for Mirarab et. al."

Linux Executables for Species Tree Estimation Methods

The linux executables for ASTRAL [1], NJst [2], FastTree [3], and RAxML [4] are in the phylogenetic_tools folder. The linux executable for PAUP* [5] is in the src-pipelines folder.

Scripts for Running Species Tree Estimation Methods on the Simulated Datasets

The files in each "pipeline-" folder are a combination of shell scripts and qsub scripts for the UIUC campus cluster.