ahaywood / compressedfm

This is the companion website for Compressed.fm: a podcast all about web design and development, with a little bit of zest, hosted by Amy Dutton and James Q Quick.
55 stars 10 forks source link
hacktoberfest hacktoberfest2021 hacktoberfest2022 nextjs sanity-io

This is a mono repo for Compressed.fm Website.


Project Requirements

Install Dependencies

  1. Clone the repo from GitHub
  2. Within the Terminal, open the remix folder. Run npm install
  3. Within the Terminal, open the sanity folder. Run npm install

Environment Variables

You'll need to create a file in the remix directory called .env and provide the following environment variables:


Running the Project

  1. Within one Terminal instance, navigate to the remix folder and run npm run dev.
  2. Within another Terminal instance, navigate to the sanity folder and run npm run dev

Everything should run seamlessly. 🙃

The Frontend

The Backend