ahebrank / frontback

Front-end issue submission for Gitlab and Trello
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Pluggable front-end issue submission for VCS and issue boards. A script allows end users to take screenshots of a problem, add a comment and automatic browser info, and submit it all as an issue or card.

This leans heavily on:

Currently supporting


Add the plugin to a page:

    window.frontback = {
        repo: 'https://gitlab.com/newcity/test',
        postUrl: 'http://' + host + ':9000',
        options: {},
        extra: {}
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = frontback.postUrl + '/assets/js/frontback.js';

The repo and 'postUrl` keys define the homepage of the repository and the endpoint of the proxy.

options parameters include:

The extra parameter is optional but may be used to pass additional metadata (for instance, CMS contextual variables like the current username). These should be specified with a dictionary:

extra: {
    "User": my_cms_settings.username,
    "Site section": my_cms_settings.section

CMS integration

There are currently a few experimental modules/plugins to provide the snippet integration with stored backend configuration.

Configure the service targets at the endpoint

In a place accessible to the endpoint proxy, add configuration in a json array. Services may be combined in a single file and APIs are selected based on the homepage URL.


Find your Gitlab private token from https://gitlab.com/profile/personal_access_tokens (or similar for your hosted instance)

Use the project homepage as a key and optionally set the assigned user (Gitlab ID) and default tag(s), which assigns labels and is useful for landing the issue on a particular board list.

    "https://gitlab.com/newcity/test": {
        "private_token": "GITLAB-PRIVATE-TOKEN",
        "assignee_id": "ahebrank",
        "tags": "Incoming"


Generate a Trello application key at https://trello.com/app-key and use that to generate an auth token from https://trello.com/1/connect?key=[key]&name=Frontback&response_type=token&scope=read,write

Then use the trello board URL as the key and optionally set an assignee (Trello username) and tags (as an array, should match names of existing labels on your board).

    "https://trello.com/b/S1QWR14x/api-test": {
        "app_key": "APPLICATION_KEY",
        "private_token": "PRIVATE_AUTH_TOKEN",
        "assignee_id": "ahebrank",
        "tags": [
          "Informative Label",
          "Another label"

Other helpful configuration

"conditional_path_tags": {
  "OREC": "tamuorecstg.wpengine.com",
  "Privacy": "tamuprivacystg.wpengine.com",
  "Rules": "tamurulesstg.wpengine.com",
  "UYP": "tamuuypstaging.wpengine.com"

Start it up


Image newcity/frontback is available as a (nearly) one-line installation. All you need to do is map a configuration file into the container and put a reverse proxy in front of it.

docker run -v "/home/someuser/frontback.json:/app/repos.json" -e FRONTBACK_CONFIG=/app/repos.json -p 9010:80 --restart always -d newcity/frontback

Proxy example in nginx:

location ~ ^/frontback(.*) {

(This example assumes frontback requests are coming to http://servername.com/frontback and strips off the "frontback" path before passing to the application on the port provided by docker.)

Bare-metal wsgi

The python wsgi web stack configuration has a lot of pieces. The following skips over setting up a virtual environment and assumes the flask app is installed in /usr/local/frontback/endpoint.

Base requirements
  1. Python 3.x is required
  2. pip3 install -r /usr/local/frontback/endpoint/requirements.txt
Nginx uwsgi proxy
  1. Make sure uwsgi is installed (e.g., pip3 install uwsgi)
  2. Copy the upstart config to /etc/init (cp /usr/local/frontback/endpoint/service-config/frontback.conf.upstart /etc/init/frontback.config) OR copy the systemd service (cp /usr/local/frontback/endpoint/service-config/frontback.service.systemd /lib/systemd/system/frontback.service)
  3. Start it up (e.g., service frontback start or systemctl start frontback)
  4. (optionally) Make it persistent (e.g., initctl reload-configuration or systemctl enable frontback)
  5. Make sure the uwsgi parameters are availble to nginx (cat /etc/nginx/uwsgi_params)
  6. Add to a server block in nginx configuration:
location ~ /frontback(/.*) {
    uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/frontback.sock;
    include /etc/nginx/uwsgi_params;
    # strip the subdirectory
    uwsgi_param PATH_INFO "$1";
  1. restart nginx

(This example includes config to strip off the subdirectory, since the Flask application assumes requests at the webroot.)

See e.g., https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-deploy-python-wsgi-applications-using-uwsgi-web-server-with-nginx for more detail about setting up and proxying uwsgi applications.

Older way: Apache2 with mod_wsgi
  1. Install mod_wsgi (e.g., apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi)
  2. Within an apache2 virtual host, add config like:
WSGIDaemonProcess frontback user=www-data group=www-data threads=5 home=
WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/local/frontback/endpoint/main.py

<Directory /usr/local/frontback/endpoint>
    WSGIProcessGroup frontback
    WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
    Require all granted

Building and testing



Use make install to install dependencies with yarn and pip. Create a repos.json file in the endpoint directory.

Use make dev, which does the following: