aheckmann / node-ses

An Amazon SES api for nodejs with proper error handling.
MIT License
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A simple and reliable Node.js mail for sending mail through Amazon SES.



Start by creating a client object, and then call either the sendEmail or sendRawEmail method depending on your needs.

var ses = require('node-ses')
  , client = ses.createClient({key: 'key', secret: 'secret'});

// Give SES the details and let it construct the message for you.
   to: 'aaron.heckmann+github@gmail.com'
 , from: 'somewhereOverTheR@inbow.com'
 , cc: 'theWickedWitch@nerds.net'
 , bcc: ['canAlsoBe@nArray.com', 'forrealz@.org']
 , subject: 'greetings'
 , message: 'your <b>message</b> goes here'
 , altText: 'plain text'
}, function (err, data, res) {
 // ...

// ... or build a message from scratch yourself and send it.
 , from: 'somewhereOverTheR@inbow.com'
 , rawMessage: rawMessage
}, function (err, data, res) {
 // ...


npm install node-ses

The module has one primary export:


You'll probably only be using this method. It takes an options object with the following properties:

`key` -  your AWS SES key. Defaults to checking `process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY`
`secret` - your AWS SES secret. Defaults to `process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` and `process.env.AWS_SECRET_KEY`
`amazon` - [optional] the amazon end-point uri. defaults to `https://email.us-east-1.amazonaws.com`

Not all AWS regions support SES. Check SES region support to be sure the region you are in is supported.

var ses = require('node-ses')
  , client = ses.createClient({ key: 'key', secret: 'secret' });

client.sendEmail(options, function (err, data, res))

Composes an email message based on input data, and then immediately queues the message for sending.

There are several important points to know about SendEmail:

sendEmail receives an options object with the following properties:

`from` - email address from which to send (required)
`subject` - string (required). Must be encoded as UTF-8
`message` - can be html (required). Must be encoded as UTF-8.
`altText` - plain text version of message. Must be encoded as UTF-8.
`to` - email address or array of addresses
`cc` - email address or array of addresses
`bcc` - email address or array of addresses
`replyTo` - email address
`configurationSet` - SES configuration set name
`messageTags` - SES message tags: array of name/value objects, e.g. { name: xid, value: 1 }

At least one of to, cc or bcc is required.

Optional properties (overrides the values set in createClient):

`key` - AWS key
`secret` - AWS secret
`amazon` - AWS end point. Defaults to `https://email.us-east-1.amazonaws.com`

If you want to add a different end point than us-east-1, you can find a list here. (Note: Don't forget to add https://) The sendEmail method transports your message to the AWS SES service. If AWS returns an HTTP status code that's less than 200 or greater than or equal to 400, we will callback with an err object that is a direct tranalation of the Error element of the AWS error response.

See Error Handling section below for details on the structure of returned errors.

Check for errors returned since a 400 status is not uncommon.

The data returned in the callback is an object containing the parsed AWS response.

See the SES API Response docs for details.

The res returned by the callback represents the HTTP response to calling the SES REST API as the request module returns it.

The sendEmail method also be provided in all lowercase as sendemail for backwards compatibility.

client.sendRawEmail(options, function (err, data, res))

Sends an email message, with header and content specified by the client. The SendRawEmail action is useful for sending multipart MIME emails. The raw text of the message must comply with Internet email standards; otherwise, the message cannot be sent.

There are several important points to know about SendRawEmail:

sendRawEmail receives an options object with the following properties:

`from` - email address from which to send (required)
`rawMessage` - the raw text of the message which includes a header and a body (required)

Within the raw text of the message, the following must be observed:

The sendRawEmail method transports your message to the AWS SES service. If Amazon returns an HTTP status code that's less than 200 or greater than or equal to 400, we will callback with an err object that is a direct translation of the Error element of aws error response.

See Error Handling section below for details on the structure of returned errors.


var CRLF = '\r\n'
  , ses = require('node-ses')
  , client = ses.createClient({ key: 'key', secret: 'secret' })
  , rawMessage = [
    'From: "Someone" <someone@example.com>',
    'To: "Someone Else" <other@example.com>',
    'Subject: greetings',
    'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;',
    '    boundary="_003_97DCB304C5294779BEBCFC8357FCC4D2"',
    'MIME-Version: 1.0',
    'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"',
    'Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable',
    'Hi brozeph,',
    'I have attached a code file for you.',
    'Content-Type: text/plain; name="code.txt"',
    'Content-Description: code.txt',
    'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="code.txt"; size=4;',
    '    creation-date="Mon, 03 Aug 2015 11:39:39 GMT";',
    '    modification-date="Mon, 03 Aug 2015 11:39:39 GMT"',
    'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64',

 , from: 'someone@example.com'
 , rawMessage: rawMessage
}, function (err, data, res) {
 // ...

Check for errors returned since a 400 status is not uncommon.

The data returned in the callback is an object containing the parsed Amazon json response.

See the SES API Response docs for details.

The res returned by the callback represents the HTTP response to calling the SES REST API as the request module returns it.

Error Handling

The errors returned when sending failed are JavaScript objects that correspond to the Error element as seen in Structure of an Error Response from the official documentation. The properties in error object we return include:

An error of Type NodeSesInternal is returned in three cases:

Example error response:

  "Type": "Sender",
  "Code": "ValidationError",
  "Message": "Value null at 'message.subject' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must not be null"


# Enable in the shell
DEBUG="node-ses" ./server.js
// ... or temporarily set in your code before `node-ses` is required.

When debugging, it's useful to inspect the raw HTTP request and response send to Amazon. These can then checked against Amazon's documentation for the SendMail API method and the common errors that Amazon might return.

To turn on debugging printed to STDERR, set DEBUG=node-ses in the environment before running your script. You can also set process.env.DEBUG='node-ses'; in your code, before the node-ses module is required.

See the debug module docs for more debug output possibilities.

Running the Tests

Unit tests

npm test

To run the full tests, including actually using the AWS SES REST APIs with your credentials, set the following environment variables:

# Your SES Key and secret

# An email that is both an verified sende that can also receive test emails. Possibly your own email address

See Also
