ahirsharan / MetaSegNet

Differentiable Meta-learning Model for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation
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Note: In Development

Differentiable Meta-learning Model for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation (MetaSegNet)

MIT License PyTorch


PyTorch and Torchvision needs to be installed before running the scripts, together with PIL for data-preprocessing and tqdm for showing the training progress.

To run this repository, kindly install python 3.7 and PyTorch 1.5.0 with Anaconda.

You may download Anaconda and read the installation instruction on their official website: https://www.anaconda.com/download/

Create a new environment and install PyTorch and torchvision on it:

conda create --name mseg python=3.7
conda activate mseg
conda install pytorch=1.5.0 
conda install torchvision -c pytorch

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/ahirsharan/MetaSegNet.git

Code Structure

The code structure is based on MTL-template and Pytorch-Segmentation.

├── Datasets
    ├── COCOAug     
    ├── Pascal5Aug
    ├── FSS1000Aug   
├── MetaSegNet
    ├── FewShotPreprocessing.py     # utility to organise the Few-shot data into train and novel
    ├── cocogen.py                  # utility to organise the Few-shot data into train and novel after generating masks
    ├── augment.py                  # For generic data Augmentation 
    ├── dataloader              
    |   ├── dataset_loader.py       # data loader for pre datasets
    |   └── samplers.py             # samplers for meta task dataset(Few-Shot) 
    ├── models                      
    |   ├── mtl.py                  # meta-transfer class
    |   └── metasegnet.py           # Resnet-9 class
    ├── trainer                     
    |   ├── meta.py                  # meta-train trainer class
    ├── utils                       
    |   ├── gpu_tools.py            # GPU tool functions
    |   ├── metrics.py              # Metrics functions
    |   ├── losses.py               # Loss functions
    |   ├── lovasz_losses.py        # Lovasz Loss function
    |   └── misc.py                 # miscellaneous tool functions
    ├── main.py                     # the python file with main function and parameter settings
    └── run_meta.py                 # the script to run meta-train and meta-test phases

Running Experiments

Run meta-train and meta-test phase:

python run_meta.py

The test predictions and logs(models) will be stored in the same root directory under resultsx and logsx where x can be changed in trainer/meta.py . The tensorboardX log for loss and mIoU would be stored in runs in the MetaSegNet directory.

Hyperparameters and Options

Hyperparameters and options in main.py.