ahmedkaludi / accelerated-mobile-pages

Automatically add Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP Project) functionality on your WordPress.
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Security Contact #5570

Closed mal-tee closed 4 months ago

mal-tee commented 4 months ago

Hello maintainer(s),

I am a security researcher from the Institute of Application Security at TU Braunschweig, Germany. We discovered a (potential) security vulnerability in your project.

We would like to report this vulnerability to you in a responsible and ethical manner. Therefore, we do not want to disclose any details of the vulnerability publicly until you have had a chance to review and fix it.

Could you please let us know your prefered way of receiving security reports?

You can contact us at ias-disclosure@tu-braunschweig.de or by replying to this issue.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Sanjeevsetu commented 4 months ago

Hi @mal-tee

Thanks for the report. We are contacting you via email.

mal-tee commented 3 months ago

Hi, thank you. Can you post the email address you are using here, so I can confirm its from you?