ahmedkaludi / accelerated-mobile-pages

Automatically add Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP Project) functionality on your WordPress.
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accelerated-mobile-pages amp amp-html google-amp seo wordpress wordpress-amp wordpress-plugin

=== AMP for WP - Accelerated Mobile Pages === Contributors: mohammed_kaludi, ahmedkaludi, ampforwp Tags: AMP, accelerated mobile pages, mobile, amp project, google amp, amp wp, google, plugin, SEO Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/Kaludi/25 Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 6.5 Stable tag: 1.0.95 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

AMP for WP is the most recommended AMP plugin by the community. Automatically add Accelerated Mobile Pages (Google AMP Project) functionality on your WordPress site.

== Description == AMP for WP automatically adds Accelerated Mobile Pages (Google AMP Project) functionality to your WordPress site. AMP makes your website faster for Mobile visitors.

What's New in this Version? | Priority Support | View Demo | Screenshots | Community

Some useful extensions to extend AMP features, check AMP Adsense Support, Contact Form 7 Support, Email Opt-in Support and Call To Action Support. To view more, go to our Extensions page.

We try our best to provide support on WordPress.org forums. However, We have a special community support where you can ask us questions and get help about your AMP related questions. Delivering a good user experience means a lot to us and so we try our best to reply each and every question that gets asked.

Bug Reports
Bug reports for AMP for WP are welcomed on GitHub. Please note GitHub is not a support forum, and issues that aren't properly qualified as bugs will be closed.

= Features: =

JOIN CHAT GROUP COMMUNITY: Purpose of this group is to get proper suggestions and feedback from plugin users and the community so that we can make the plugin even better.

= Getting Started: = 1. User Documentation: The AMP for WordPress plugin is easy to setup but we have some tutorials and guides prepared for you which will help you dive deep with the plugin.

2. Developer Docs: We have created special documentations for developers and semi technical users who are willing to modify the plugin according to their own needs.

3. Support: We try our best to provide support on WordPress.org forums. However, We have a special community support where you can ask us questions and get help about your AMP related questions. Delivering a good user experience means a lot to us and so we try our best to reply each and every question that gets asked.

4. Premium Support: We will personally take care that your website’s AMP version is perfectly validated. We will make sure that your AMP version gets approved and indexed by Google Webmaster Tools properly and we will even keep an eye on AMP updates from Google and implement them into your website.

== Credits == Some code used in this plugin was forked from 'AMP for WordPress' plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/amp/ - License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html. Mobile & Tablet detection library used https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect - License URI: https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect/blob/master/LICENSE.txt PHP CSS Parser library used https://github.com/sabberworm/PHP-CSS-Parser - License URI: https://github.com/sabberworm/PHP-CSS-Parser#license (PHP-CSS-Parser is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.) AMP Optimizer library used https://github.com/ampproject/amp-toolbox/tree/main/packages/optimizer - License URI: https://github.com/ampproject/amp-toolbox#license (AMP Toolbox is made by the AMP Project, and is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.) GA4 Code used from https://github.com/analytics-debugger/google-analytics-4-for-amp - License URI: https://github.com/analytics-debugger/google-analytics-4-for-amp/blob/main/LICENSE

== Installation == Visit Help area for the Documentation:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em1nsE_KaKw]

Visit Help area for the Documentation:

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Can I add analytics? =

Yes, you easily can. In fact, we have support for 12 Analytics companies. Including Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, StatCounter, QuantCast, Chartbeat, comScore to list a few. Also, we have Google Tag Manager (GTM) support as well.

= Can I add Ads in my AMP pages? =

Yes, you can. We have 6 ad placement slots that are built in and strategically placed to get maximum views. Also, we have an extension from which you can insert ads between the content, will get more ad slots and also add custom banners to all the available slots.

= Can I extend/Change the AMP design, so it suits my needs? =

Yes, you easily can. We have created this plugin in such a way that it can easily be extended. Check out our AMP Theme Framework

= Do you have any prebuilt designs? =

Yes, we have AMP themes section where we have free and paid designs available. We also update it regularly. You can check it out our AMP Themes

= I'm a developer and I want to add custom functionality for a client, can I do that? =

Yes, of course. This plugin is very developer friendly, we have lots of hooks and filters that you can use to extend and customize according to the requirements. Also, we have developer documentation which we update regularly.

= How do I report bugs and suggest new features? =

You can report the bugs here

= Will you Add New features to my request? =

Yes, Absolutely! We would suggest you send your feature request by creating an issue in Github . It helps us organize the feedback easily.

= How do I get in touch? =

You can contact us from here

== Screenshots ==

  1. AMP Homepage
  2. AMP Single Post
  3. Post Navigation in Single
  4. Sticky Social sharing icons
  5. Overlay Navigation menu sidebar.
  6. Page builder of the Single article. You can drag and drop any element.
  7. Single post of Design One
  8. GTMetrix Performance Report
  9. Google PageSpeed Insight report for AMP
  10. Homepage of Design One
  11. Pingdom Speed Report for AMP

Device testing done through BrowserStack BrowserStack

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.95 (7th May 2024) =

= 1.0.94 (3rd April 2024) =

= (1st February 2024) =

= 1.0.93 (19th January 2024) =

= (16th December 2023) =

= 1.0.92 (18th November 2023) =

= (20th October 2023) =

= 1.0.91 (16th October 2023) =

= 1.0.90 (26th September 2023) =

= 1.0.89 (14th September 2023) =

= (24nd August 2023) =

= 1.0.88 (22nd August 2023) =

= 1.0.87 (3rd July 2023) =

= 1.0.86 (8th June 2023) =

= 1.0.85 (10th May 2023) =

= 1.0.84 (28th April 2023) =

= 1.0.83 (4th April 2023) =

= 1.0.82 (24th March 2023) =

= 1.0.81 (27th February 2023) =

= 1.0.80 (10th February 2023) =

Full changelog available at changelog.txt