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Trying to Reach out to o6asan (NOT STALKING, their website is down) #5590

Open angelatwin333 opened 1 month ago

angelatwin333 commented 1 month ago

Does anyone know how to reach o6asan?

I'm trying out to reach out, because their website for Hyohaku and any domain with the name o6asan is down. Here's the link: https://o6asan.com/hyohaku/hyohaku-1/

I couldn't find any other way to reach out, not even through BBS contact (NetOwl security blocked me from commenting there). I can't access their translation for Hyohaku anymore. It says ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE. I didn't save their email address either, and since it was on said website, I couldn't email either, hence I am trying to contact them here.

At first I thought the issue was with my server, but I realized it would happen regardless of device, browser of computers. I had a bunch of classmates try it with their respective servers, internet, and devices too-issue's with this website. I tried commenting on past forums/ issues o6asan commented on in github, but those issues were closed. Not sure is o6asan will receive notifications that a new comment has been posted.. I'm not sure how github works, so I think I ended up commenting on all o6asan's forums (created an account just to try to reach out). I know, seems like stalker ish behavior. I'm so sorry! Not trying to stalk at all, just desperate because Hyohaku is down, plus Hyohaku is a personal favorite of mine to read. I can't find any other translations for Hyohaku either.

77naveenop commented 2 weeks ago

Please generate a ticket via https://ampforwp.com/support/ and we will address your issues.