ahmedkaludi / check-email

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=== Check & Log Email - Easy Email Testing & Mail logging === Contributors: checkemail Tags: logging, email, email log, smtp, log Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.6 Requires PHP: 5.6.20 Stable tag: 2.0 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

Check & Log email allows you to test if your website is correctly sending emails . Overriding of email headers and carbon copying to another address.

== Description ==

In need of a tool that allows you to easily log and view all emails sent from WordPress? Check & Log might be just the solution for that. This WordPress plugin helps you store sent emails for auditing purposes, as well as debug email related problems in your WordPress site. Works best on eCommerce websites that have been created with WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads.

Home | Help & Tech Support | Documentation | Premium Features

== New Features of the plugin Check & Log Email 2.0 ==

== Features of the plugin Check & Log Email ==

== Premium Features of the plugin Check & Log Email ==

== Filters ==

== Action ==

We try our best to provide support on WordPress.org forums. However, We have a special community support where you can ask us questions and get help about your Check & Log Email related questions. Delivering a good user experience means a lot to us and so we try our best to reply each and every question that gets asked.

Bug Reports
Bug reports for Check & Log Email are welcomed on GitHub. Please note GitHub is not a support forum, and issues that aren't properly qualified as bugs will be closed.


== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I use it? =

Check the WordPress Admin Dashboard for "Check & Log Email" menu item.

= Why did you write this plugin? =

Someone using one of my other plugins had trouble with emails not being sent. I knocked this together to help him (and anyone else).

== Screenshots ==

  1. Check & Log Email - Status
  2. Check & Log Email - View Logs
  3. Check & Log Email - Settings

== Installation ==

= Using the WordPress Plugin Search =

  1. Navigate to the Add New sub-page under the Plugins admin page.
  2. Search for Check & Log Email.
  3. The plugin should be listed first in the search results.
  4. Click the Install Now link.
  5. Lastly click the Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.

= Uploading in WordPress Admin =

  1. Download the plugin zip file and save it to your computer.
  2. Navigate to the Add New sub-page under the Plugins admin page.
  3. Click the Upload link.
  4. Select Check & Log Email zip file from where you saved the zip file on your computer.
  5. Click the Install Now button.
  6. Lastly click the Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.

== Changelog ==

= v2.0 - 09/08/2024 =

= v1.0.13 - 25/06/2024 =

= v1.0.12 - 29/05/2024 =

= v1.0.11 - 16/05/2024 =

= v1.0.10 - 14/03/2024 =

= v1.0.9 - 07/03/2024 =

= v1.0.8 - 16/10/2023 =

= v1.0.7 - 08/03/2022 =

Full changelog available at changelog.txt