ahmedloona / Flicker

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Flutter is a photo management and photo sharing application where users can upload, organize, and share their photos. Users may also caption and tag their own photos, as well as comment on all photos.

Technologies Employed

This application is built using the React.js library with Redux (for maintaining application state) on the frontend together with Rails for implementing the necessary APIs on the backend server. AJAX used to enable asynchronous interaction between frontend and backend.

The database used is PostgreSQL.

CSS3 was used for frontend styling.

Feature 1: User Authentication

  1. User visits the application flutter
  1. User clicks the login (existing user) or signup button (new user)

2 A. Logging in. On clicking Login button, user may enter their credentials or click Demo button to try out the site without having to create an account

2 B. Signing Up

Feature 2: Photos

Feature 3: Albums

Coming soon

Feature 4: Tags

Coming soon

Feature 5: Comments

Coming Soon

Pending List