ahmedtauseef4 / Webserver

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This is a small project which uses terraform to create following infrastructure: VPC, Subnets, Routing tables, Route table associations, Internet gateway, Security groups, EC2 instance, RDS mysql db


  1. add your access key and secret key to providers.tf
  2. check varables.tf and make changes according to your plan // please change region and keypair name accordingly
  3. run terraform commands [init,fmt,validate,plan]
  4. run terraform apply if everythings looks good and ssh to ec2(bastian host) // ssh -i keypair.pem ubuntu@hostname
  5. ssh to webserver from bastian host using same keypait
  6. connect to rds(mysql db) using below command: mysql --host= --user=webserver --password=webserver webserver
  7. create city table and insert record(s) using create_city.sql
  8. Navigate to /var/www/html and create get_city.php
  9. PDO-mysql is used by php script
  10. visit apache website using ec2 public ip or route53 public hostname e.g
  11. git hub instruction:

    create github repo (Webserver) on your computer go to "Webserver" directory where project files are git init git remote add Webserver https://github.com/ahmedtauseef4/Webserver.git // replace it with your repo url git status git add * git commit -m "adding project to github public repo" git push --set-upstream Webserver master