ahnjaewoo / MPCHAT

πŸ“Έ Code and Dataset for our ACL 2023 paper: "MPCHAT: Towards Multimodal Persona-Grounded Conversation"
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Welcome! πŸ‘‹πŸ»\ This is the official repository of our ACL 2023 paper: \ MPCHAT: Towards Multimodal Persona-Grounded Conversation. [Poster] [Slides]

dialogue illustration

Please cite our work if you found the resources in this repository useful:

    title={MPCHAT: Towards Multimodal Persona-Grounded Conversation},
    author={Jaewoo Ahn and Yeda Song and Sangdoo Yun and Gunhee Kim},


Note for dataset users

Terms of use: Uses of MPCHAT are subject to Reddit API terms. Users must comply with Reddit User Agreeement, Content Policy, and Privacy Policy.

Usage restrictions: MPCHAT should only be used for non-commercial research. Any commercial and for-profit uses of MPCHAT are restricted – it should not be used to train models that will be deployed in production systems as part of a product offered by businesses or government agencies.

Refer to the Ethics Statement in the paper more details.

Dataset download

You can download our dialog dataset directly by clicking this link.

Please check DATASET.md for descriptions of structure and attribute in the dataset.

Note: We do not distribute image files as we do not legally own them. The annotation files contain image URLs – you can download images as the following (but it is a bit slow):

python preprocess/download_images.py \
  --dialog_image_url_directory "./dialog_image_urls.json" \
  --persona_image_url_directory "./persona_image_urls.json" \
  --save_dialog_image_directory "./images/dialog/" \
  --save_persona_image_directory "./images/persona/"

or instead, by using the redcaps-downloader tool.

Image removal request

Did you find any problematic image in MPCHAT that should be removed? Report it to us using this link! We will review all requests and remove problematic image in the next version release.

Model training and inference

Environment setup

We recommend using Anaconda. The following command will create a new conda environment mpchat with all the dependencies.

conda env create -f environment.yml

To activate the environment:

conda activate mpchat

Please check EXPERIMENT.md for model training and inference per each task.

Have any questions?

Please contact Jaewoo Ahn at jaewoo.ahn at vl.snu.ac.kr


This repository is CC-BY 4.0 licensed. See the LICENSE file for details.