ahoereth / RobotTrajectoryAnalyzerCpp

Robot Trajectory Analysis using the UIMA C++ Framework.
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$ catkin_make


Requires mongod and roscore running.

$ source ./devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun rta_nodes plot -loop -echo -rate=100 -database=dummy1

All flags are optional. Default rate is 1000 and default database is dummy1. The application will prompt you with a rqt_plot command which has to be executed in an independent terminal window - the plot will then be populated with data by the chosen topics.

rqt_plot is most useful if used with PyQtGraph and its auto scaling functionality (buttom on the bottom left of the plot).

Example Runs


All joints, dummy1 dataset.

Acceleration data in dummy1 of all joints

Position + Velocity

Left shoulder lift joint, dummy1 dataset.

On the left you see an example terminal output: First the application asks for a list of joints to plot and then for a view to plot. Given this information a rqt_plot command is generated before the publishing is initiated.

Position + Velocity of the left shoulder lift joint data in dummy1

Position + Velocity + Movement

Left shoulder lift joint, dummy1 dataset.

The graph shows an obvious limitation of rqt_plot: Teal and pink describe different movement directions which are only relevant in specific parts of the plot but plot as 0 values when not relevant. Therefore the plot looks rather noisy.

Position + Velocity + MovementDirection

Position Error 1

Position Error left elbow

Position Error 2

Position Error left and right elbow


Position Velocity left shoulder